Gearhead Magzine

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Gearhead Magazine, Issue #9

s much as I love to listen to music, I love to read about music. Yes, it's true, I have the tendency to be a bookworm. Usually though, I'm listening and reading at the same time, and if the reads are good, you're going to be hearing about it from me. I received Issue number 11 of Gearhead Magazine on the premise that I would write up a review of it, and being that I'm a review writing machine at times and like to read, I figured, 'what the hell?' I must say that I was excited to see the magazine come today in the mail, and I promptly sat down to drink it in. I had never heard of Gearhead Mag before, but they've won me over. Gearhead is a nice thick Rock and Roll magazine about the stuff that matters- Rock and Roll, Cars, Rock and Roll, and more cars- all with that nice kitschy feel and an indie-but-quality print job. How can you go wrong? The cover has a gorgeous photo of a sleek red vintage roadster on it, as well as a picture of the wonderful Donnas, who have a 12 page interview feature inside. This issue had a few articles (I think around 4) dealing with hot rods and souped up classics- whether it be from competitions or just general car articles. Definitley an appealer to the guys, but it also manages to educate the girls. I read them, but I think I did it more for the pictures of the revamped automobiles. So sue me if they look good and I want to see pictures. Definitely the highlights inside the magazine were the Donnas interview, which features Donnas A and C (Brett and Torry, respectively) dishing with Gearhead editor Mike on anything and everything from Converse sneakers, meeting Marilyn Manson and Gene Simmons, Torry's first (and crappy sounding) drum kit, shower shoes, and the various photographers and video makers they've had, just to name a few things. Complete with tons of photos (many of them obscure) of the whole band, the interview reads like a breeze and really manages to draw you in. I noticed as I read it over a few times that everyone just seemed to be open with their words and topic choices, and it comes across well in print. I found it to be a more expansive interview done by people who know where each other is coming from as far as the scene goes, and thus, the girls and Mike are able to relate on a better level. A must read for anyone who's into the Donnas, even if it's just a little bit. And if you're really big into them, ever the more so to go out and get yourself a copy of the mag! I also thought Mike's review / reminscing over Gearfest 2000 was quite entertaining. Considering that, according to the article, everyone was partying, getting drunk, and having a grand time listening to the likes of the Hives, the Hellacopters, the "Demons", Thee Ultra Bimboos, the Dontcares, and many more, (did I mention drinking already?). Mike provides a smooth detailed commentary on the whole shabang and spectacle of a show, even naming local Rochestarians, The Chesterfield Kings in the article to provide substance for a description. There were good band observances and insights that I thought were groovy, and it made me wish I could've been there... And lastly, the album reviews; how can you go wrong with a magazine that has reviews of: Devo, The Donnas, The 45's, Mooney Suzuki, The Hellacopters, Nikki and the Corvettes, and fifty million more rockers and rollers all dedicated to preserving real rock and roll, not that shit that is packaged for the mainstream. The album review section spans a good 15 or so pages (not counting ads for hot looking places), which practically guarantees that you're bound to 'discover' that great new band you've been looking for. I personally recommend The Donnas, The Smugglers, The Mooney Suzuki, Nikki and the Corvettes, and from what I've heard of them, The Briefs. Gearhead rocks. Go get one.