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KISS: Destroyer

This is another odd album in terms of content, but I think it's kinda cool. Of course this is the one that features "Detroit Rock City" and "King of the Nighttime World", but hey. Both of these songs are strong rockers that flow into one another perfectly. "Detroit Rock City" has clean and crisp guitars, and a build in the middle of the song that is very cool- it has a "swirly" effect. (The music's all around type thing). The end of the song parallels with the beginning- there's a car crash, while in the beginning, someone is getting into the car. Cool. Like I said before "King of the..." flows well with "Detroit...", and it has a good bass groove with a catchy chorus to boot. There's a nice drum emphasis, which is cool. "Flaming Youth" and "Shout it out Loud" also have the same atmoshpere as the opening two songs, just later on in the album. "Flaming Youth" is good and strong with a very nice bass drum beat in the chorus, and "Shout it out Loud" is attention-grabbing and anthem like, everything fits nicely. It's probably very cool to see done live. "Do You Love Me", which is the album closer, has a nasty dirty metaphor in the beginning, but is a good song none the less. The verses are better than the chorus, as the chorus just gets old after a while. The two odd songs of the album have got to be "God of Thunder" (turn that around and you have Thunder God...hmmm...) and "Great Expectations".. "God..." combines dark, heavy vocals and instruments to make for a very different song; it's a strong change from the opening two. ("Detroit..." and "King...")It's okay, but not the best, very odd. "Great Expectations" actually puts the second movement of Beethoven's (whom I love to death) Sonata Pathetique (one of my favourite Beethoven pieces, and no, it's not pronounced "pathetic") into the song in a couple different spots, something I found very interesting. It starts off mellow and gives way to an operatic chorus. While it fits together well, it just gets annoying. I did like how the Pathetique in the middle morphs into some good KISS guitar. "Sweet Pain" is an okay song... it has some very nice guitar in it, but vocally it just doesn't do it for me. The song does get better towards the end for some reason though... "Shout it out Loud", which is after it, makes up for it. "Beth" is the second to last song on the album, and is on the total opposite end of the spectrum than the rest of the stuff on this album. It's too ballady, and while it does have a nice and complex string / organ arrangement, the song doesn't fit in with the rest of the album. It's 50-50 on this one. Overall though, the whole "Destroyer" album is very good.