John Lennon

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John Lennon: Imagine

Poor John. That's all I have to say. Such an incredible artist. Imagine is an amazing album, I love it so much. It's a strong solid album all the way through, and it doesn't lag at all. The title song is stark and bare in its vocals, which gives a jolt of reality, but is very rich in its instrumentation. (Which might I add, gradually increases). "Crippled Inside" is one of the "fun songs" so to speak; it's kinda country with the honky-tonk piano thing going for it which masks the dark lyrics. At times though, it can be a little overdone. "How Do You Sleep" is probably the most haunting song on the album but wonderful all the same. It's different from most of the tracks, but in a good way. The powerful lyrics of "Gimme Some Truth" are highlighted wonderfully by the frustration in John's vocals- once again they add reality and emotion to the piece, something that can be hard to do. On here though, it is pulled off wonderfully. Go buy this one now if you don't own it.