Mike Deuce

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#2 Interview questions for Mike / Deuce. According to this fine young lad, who has been involved in the performance aspect of music for quite some time, the only cool band he has been in is the Veins. Mike plays the bass. Like the Quitters, the Veins kick ass too. Good music, nice people. (That just reminded me of the "X-Files" episode about the people getting put into the chicken. the slogan of the company was "Good People, Good Food.". Or some shit or other. I don't remember exactly). Anyways, here be the questions and answers.

In terms of your music, is there any "tradition" or philosophy that you have carried with you over the years?
The tradition would be Rock & Roll. I love the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. I try to approach songwriting w/them in mind. As far as philosophy goes, it's just music Christina, you can make it as deep, or as mindless as you want. As long as it 's fun for you, you don't have to justify it to anyone.

What do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned from past/present musical endeavors?
Loosen up, be real, have fun, it probably won't last long.

What has been the highest point for you (performance wise or other, doesn't matter) in playing with the Veins?
Some of the songs we've written in the VEiNS we just pulled out of our ass. There was no real craft to it, no "formula". We just plugged in and let it rip. All the parts flowed together naturally, like it was a song we had been playing for years.

Say in 20 years from now, you were to look back on the time you spent with the Veins, doing solo stuff, etc. What would be the first memory- good or bad- that would come to you first?
Laughing. In the VEiNS, we're more like brothers than four guy's who get together to play music twice a week. As a result we spend ALOT of time, wasted some would say, just hanging out talking, and laughing. Laughing so fucking hard it's impossable to play. Of course, eventually, it's time to get to business, so you begin to rehearse, and someone starts to giggle, which leads to someone else and it all comes to a screaching, grinding halt . Unfortunatly, it has been known to happen at shows too! To clarify? that's a godammed great memory to have 20 yrs. from now!

How old were you when you first got involved with music (lessons, etc.)?
I bought my 1st rock record, AC/DC's Highway to Hell, in 6th grade. I started playing in bands at the age of 14.

What band or performer past or present would you sell your soul to playwith? (the Veins don't count) :)
70's era Stones, 70's era Aerosmith,Brian Jones, Keith Moon, the Clash, the Quitters.......

Any advice for someone aspiring to be in a band someday? (soon, hopefully. What do you think of the name Rocket Rider? I want to sing and >play guitar.)
I know this isn't Rock & Roll but, FUCK THE GUITAR, take piano, study your theory, then you can play anything you want , you'll have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips to draw from. If I had it to do all over again, that's what I would do.

Define the word gesticulation. (No dictionaries or other outside sources!)
I do know what it means. It is when you talk w/ your hands, or make expressions w/ your face