The Stooges

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The Stooges: Fun House

Hmm....This is an interesting album. At times I like it and at times I don't I think it's one of those ones that you need to be in the mood to listen to. It's about 50-50 on this one, so here goes. "Loose" has a nice balance of the "elements" so to speak, which all add up to loudness, basically. It is a good, fast-paced song that has a good all-round groove thang, and basically sounds like a whole lotta fun. "1970" (The follow up to "1969"? Personally, I like the title "1969" better. Hee, hee. ) is another good rockin’ song. The bass in it is pretty cool, and everything just leads up to an explosive ending that even has saxophone. Surprising twist, but great just the same. Funhouse also has a couple long songs on it: "Dirt" and Funhouse". Both are about 7 minutes or more, and while I don't really care how long a song is, it has to be strong throughout, or I loose my patience with it and get incredibly bored. While both tunes have good parts to them- "Dirt" has bitter, mellow vocals that are a change of pace from the rest of the album, and "Funhouse" starts off really well, both tracks started to drag. It was not a fun 14 listening minutes to say the least. Lastly, my thoughts on "LA Blues". Do not let the title trick you- this track is basically a whole bunch of anything and everything. I'll let you judge for yourselves on this one.