Todd Dentico

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The final installment of the Grinders interview; Todd is the front man and makes sure you get a show every time. You won't be disappointed.

Part Three: Just Todd.

**10. What’s your most memorable show? I wanna hear- I heard what Keith’s were.**
*Todd: With the Grinders or any band?

**Any of them.**

*Todd: Grinders... there’s a bunch of them. One time I got naked- totally naked- another time at Richmonds, we just tore the whole place up. Thanksgiving at the Bug Jar was good; there weren’t a lot of people there, but everybody that was there just got totally into it and it got crazy. Anytime it can get crazy, it’s always memorable. I played in New York City once, but it wasn’t with the Grinders, it was with the Lovematics a few years ago. And this was totally memorable for me. We were at CBGB’s playing. There was this guy sitting at a table like this with this gorgeous chick. The whole time I was playing, I’m looking at him going, “How do I know that guy?” And it turns out it’s Rick Ocasek and Paulina, his wife the model. At my house, I’ve got a blown up picture with my arm around Rick, so that was really cool. Playing in CBGB’s with Rick Ocasek sitting there watching me play, that was awesome, cool as hell. Then another band I was in played down at the Whisky in L.A.- this band called Catfight. At the time, Ed in the band now, he was in Catfight with me and we had a girl singer, Janice, who has actually been on stage with the Grinders. That’s why I can’t say I regret anything, because people from old bands come up and play. Ed’s with me now, he was in Catfight, so there’s nothing really to regret. It’s all interacting. Like if I regretted anything. That’s some memorable stuff. This last show was had a memorable thing; Keith tripped over me and fell behind Ed’s drums. At the Bug Jar. We were bouncing into each other, and I was kinda falling, so I stuck out my leg, and he went back and he tripped. We’ve got it on video. All of a sudden you don’t see Keith anymore. He hit his head, got a mild concussion. That was two Saturdays ago.

**Garage Pop?**

*Todd: Yeah. We’ll never forget that. All the stupid stuff’s memorable.

**There’s a picture in the CD booklet, one where you just have underwear on...**

*Todd: That was at Token Joes. There’s pictures from Coney Island High in there too. That was at Token Joes. I had a G-String on with a penguin, so that was a memorable moment. You know what? Keith and the drummer didn’t know I was going to do it, either. I just did it and they were like, ‘what the fuck?!’

**11. Any advice for someone who wants to be in a band?**
*Todd: You’ve gotta do it, everybody’s gotta get into the same shit. If you start a band and everybody isn’t into the same shit, get out of there right away. For the long haul, that’s the toughest thing in starting a band. Finding three or four guys that all have the same ideas, want to do the same thing, all get along, and all have the same attitude. It took us our first two and a half years of this band. Now it’s awesome. I love it, I couldn’t imagine losing any of these guys, we all get along so good. We all hang out; it’s really cool. If you sat and watched us at a practice- and heard us ripping in on each other- it’s all fun, and it’s funny. Once you start ganging up on each other, it’s funny. It’s a good time.

**I wanna be in a band someday.**

*Todd: You should. Actually, I’ll tell you what. The song on the compilation that we do- can you play Honky Tonk, like that old Rag Time? I’m sure you can if you’re playing Bach. On our next CD that we’re gonna do, we’re going to redo that song, Lotion, and I want to add piano behind it. I wanted to do it on this version of it, but we had to just do it and give it to Rob, so we had to do it really quick. But I want to redo it the right way with the piano. So if you’re still hanging around and not doing recitals somewhere in New York City, I’ll have you come down and play it. I need someone to do it; I can’t do it. We’re definitely gonna do it over. It’s good but I’ve got stuff in my head that I hear that should be on there. Did Keith answer all these questions? **Yeah, just about. See these are all the questions from other people I’ve interviewed. These are Mike from the Veins, and Dan Snyder-**

*Todd: You interviewed him?

**Dan was my first interview and only because I reviewed the first Dog’s Life album for my page and I wanted some information.**

*Todd: I used to go to all the Dog’s Life shows. Every one. And my old band with the girl singer, and actually the Lovematics, too, but Catfight, used to open up for Dave and Dan back in ‘89. Way back. So I’ve known them for a long time.

**I came up with the idea when I contacted Dan, then I did Mike, and I just did Rob. He gave me a really good interview.**

*Todd: Oh, Rob’s good. If you look at the back of the compilation CD or ever the Priests’ CD, he writes paragraphs in there, and those are really cool. Just the way he writes, he’s good with that stuff.

**12. Is it really different going from playing in the Grinders, where you write all your own stuff, to the cover band that you’re in as well?**
*Todd: I play bass in the cover band, I was in the White Cotton Panties for a stint. It’s about the same. With the White Cotton Panties, it was different because I was the only guitar player so I could hear what I was doing, and I didn’t have to sing. I hate singing, I hate it, unless it’s just backgrounds. When you’ve got two guitar players sometimes the leads don’t cut through. That’s probably the only problem the Grinders ever have is our volumes. Not really anymore. Being in the Panties was great. And this cover band, I don’t even think I’d be in it if I wasn’t playing bass, because it’s just different and I hate playing covers. Bass makes it all different, keeps me interested.