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Characteristics of Classic Stamps


1. The second S of ESTENSI is wider at top than at bottom,giving it somewhat the appearance

of being upside down.

2. The line at tha base of the letter I of ESTENSI is missing at right.

3. The inner frame line is broken at right.

4. In all curved sections of the crown there are three pearls.

5. The triangles within the crown are clearly visible.

6. The left part of the bow is wider and softer than the right part.

7. The lower outer frame line is broken at right and left.

8. The ends of the band do not touch the frame line.

9. The beak of the eagle is open.

10.There is some space between the eagle and the crown above it.

11. The end part of the E of POSTE is thicker at top than at bottom.


