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Distinguishing Characteristics of Classic Stamps




A) The first two shading lines of the lower right corner section within the inner frame are very close to each other.

B) The lower frame line of the upper left cross ornament is prolonged.

1/2 TORN. One plate. The inner frame line of the centerpiece between the letter B and O of BOLLO is broken.

1/2 GRAN. Two plates. The upper part of the P of POSTE is thickened. There is a dash between the twolines

of the center piece , below POSTE.

1 GRAN. One plate. The last bar of the N in FRANCO is shortened. The inner frame line is broken

below the letter N.

2 GRAN. Two plates. The upper horizontal bar of the T of POSTE is broken. In the lower right corner the

frame lines are connected by a oblique dash.

5 GRAN. One plate. The last vertical bar of the letter N in CINQUE slants to the right.There is a period in the

left upper corner of the lower frame showing the denomination of value.

10 GRAN. Two plates. The inner frame line of the centerpiece is broken below the letter T of POSTE.

20 GRAN. One plate . The right frame line of the cross in the upper left corner is broken in the middle.

The last bar of the letter N in FRANCO is shortened.

50 GRAN. Two plates. The inner frame line of the centerpiece is broken below the O of FRANCO.

In the right inscription frame there is a dash after BOLLO. Copies of these stamps with inverted or misplaced

centerpiece , or without embossed centerpiece were originally printers` waste and came in circulation through

irregular channels


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