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In the 1851 Granduchy of Tuscany it comprised the territories of Florence, Lucca

Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto, Pisa, Livorno and l`isola d`Elba.

The evening of 27 April 1859 the Granduca Leopoldo II was forced to flee from Florence

and it was constitued a Temporary Government, who in the successive days

taken the title of Government of the Tuscany with leader the Baron Bettino Ricasoli.

In august 1859 was proclaimed the decline of the ruling house and the annexation to Pedemont,

which was accepted by Victor Emmanuel II after the Plebiscite of march 1860.

The stamps of the Granducato of Tuscany were printed from the Ducale Printing office of Florence,

on recordings of the Niderost. The sheets were of 240 exemplary (16X15), in three groups of 80(16x5)

overlapped and separated from one interspazio of milimeter 1.5.

The first pullings have been printed publication on blue paper, subsequently were used one paper

of a lichtblue and in the last pullings one grayish paper.

The sheet issue 1851 brings in filigree twelve crowns separated from one vertical line and gives

five horizontal lines.

Issue 1857 came adopted one new paper, bringing in filigree words " II RR

PLACED TOSCANE"su a bottom of waved lines intercrossed in vertical sense.

The generally thin paper is white.

the Temporary Government was printed publication on the same type of paper and with

same filigree of 1857.
