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The Truth About James

Meowth: Some info on James. He also flunked out of the Pokemon School (apperently, he knew Jessie then). He became a Rocket member. Uses a rose to simbolize himself, sort of as a beauty with thorns kind of thing. Dresses as girls often (???) for our strateges to catch Pikachu. Often falls in love with girls, like the ghost at Maiden's Peak. When he was younger, his parents tried to force him into marrying Jessiebelle, the manner loving fool. I learned that he ran away from home and joined a gang of bikers. He had a little Growlithe named Growlie. He bought a Marciarp one time (bad boy he is) and misstreated it, causing pain for us all. Thinks about food sometimes.. like me too. And.. that's about it!

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