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Meowth: Okay, here goes my little interview with Jessie. I think it's very cute, and it had lots of cool stuff in it.

Meowth: Okay Jessie, first question. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Jessie: Well, I'm the smarter member of Team Rocket, and the beutiful one too. I enjoy bossing James around, it's kind of fun. I also love to keep up with the latest fashions. I love my little Arbok, who just recently evolved. I also love money.
Meowth: How old are you, Jessie?
Jessie: As if I would tell you. Oh allright. I'm 17.
Meowth: Do you enjoy working with Team Rocket?
Jessie: Yes, it's fun. I just wish we would get a vacation now and then. And a little more on the paycheck. Actually, I wish even we got a paycheck.
Meowth: What are your thoughts on those three little brats?
Jessie: Oh, they make me so angry! We want that Pikachu! They are so, you know, bratty.
Meowth: What are your thoughts on James?
Jessie: He can be an idiot sometimes, but he's okay. Bashing him on the head is fun. He's very loyal, most of the time, and can be a good friend.
Meowth: Your thoughts on me, Meowth?
Jessie: You're okay.
Meowth: Just okay?
Jessie: Allright, you're funny and cute. Sometimes
Meowth: Last question. DO you like James? Would you marry him if you could?
Jessie: That's two questions.
Meowth: Allright, then do you like James? As in LIKE like.
Jessie: *blushing* He's, um, uh, well I, er...I've got to go.
Meowth: And there, in a nutshell, is Jessie.

If you have any more questions you would like Meowth to ask Jessie, then email us with them!

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