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The Truth About Jessie

Meowth: Okay, here is some extras about Jessie that she didn't tell you, and if she knew I was telling you, she'd bash me on the head so many times, I'd probably blow up or something. Anyway, I don't know as much about Jessie's past as I do James, but there is some. She flunked out of the Pokemon School Place Thingy or whatever, and joined up with Giovanni to become a Team Rocket member. She used to know Cassidy, from when she was younger. She got Ekans for her birthday. Worries to much about her perfection. She doesn't understand that one little scratch isn't gonna hurt her. Has a serious temper, and when James and I sometimes goof off, she's the one who hits us into shape. REALLY wants that Pikachu, as do I. Aside from her temper tantrums, she's basically and okay gal. Of course, not as great as me. No one is as great as me. Especially that Persian. ESPECIALLY him.

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