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It's so obvious! It screams at you!

Meowth: Okay. Now that J&J are gone, I can get to the good stuff. Has anyone ever had the thought that this partnership is bigger than it seems? It's quite obvious. They like each other! As in like like! Ain't that nifty? Ha ha! Here are the clues. Um, well they're always together, teasing each other. You know, hitting each other on the head, stuff like that. And, when James had to marry that Jessiebelle person, and Jessie thought he had left Team Rocket, couldn't you see the SADDNESS in her eyes? I mean, come on! Also, when James came down in the huge balloon, and showed Jessie that he was still a part of Team Rocket, she grabbed his hand and started racing after the balloon GIGGLING like a SILLY SCHOOLGIRL!!! Then James waslike "I'd never leave" or something or another and they HELD HANDS!! Goodness! I shouldn't had bothered them. Oh well! Anyway, they PERFECT night for them would be this. They go to a movie, then a French cafe, then ooh! A carnival! And then James walks Jessie back home! Simple as that! James could maybe take her on the Ferris wheel, win her a goldfish, and a stuffed animal, and blah blah blah! Ooh! This is SO cool! I just wish one of them would take the plunge!
Jessie: Meowth, what are you rambling on about?
Meowth: Uh, um, er, nothing. No, no. Nothing at all.
James: What are you laughing about? Meowth?
Meowth: Oh my goodness! Ha ha ha! It's SO obvious!!
Jessie: *she begins to blush* What's obvious?
Meowth: That...that...that...
James: *begins to blush* What?
Jessie: *turns beet red* What? I, uh, um, yes, no, I DO NOT!
Meowth: Uh, yeah you do.
James: *turns beet red* We don't have to take this! Come on! *grabs Jessie by the arm, but quickly lets go*
Meowth: HA ha ha ha! This is so hilarious! Those two looked like a regular bunch of tomatoes! Anyway, that's all!
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