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Team Rocket? Aren't they in Houston?

Meowth: No, not the Houston Rockets, we're talking THE Team Rocket. You know, Jessie James and Me, Meowth? OK, there's this show called Pokemon. It's based after the Game Boy game. Anyway, *we're* the bad guys! Actually, the other part of our Team is kind of dense.
Jessie: What are you talking about? We're as smart as you!
Meowth: Anyway, we go around TRYING to steal Pokemon, but Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber keep messing it up.
James: Hey! Jessie's not that dumb!
Jessie: As in Dumber, he meant you.
Meowth: We're after a Pikachu. But, hey, we deserve a little down time! If only the boss would let us. And his little Persian. Ick, it's always Persian. Persian Persian PERSIAN!! I'M SICK OF IT!!!!
James: Meowth has a little harsh feelings towatds Persian.
Meowth: HARSH FEELINGS? I'LL SHOW YOU HARSH FEELINGS!! *Meowth scratches James and Jessie on the face.*
Jessie: My perfection! Noooo!
James: Um, you might want to go visit some other sections. Like *my* biography.

Blast off towards home
