Masters & Millionaires           HotClick           GW Bush           Shame            

YOU decide!   Win or Lose at Success with Shortcuts

You can be comfortably certain of an exciting, adventurous life
within days of you saying it is so.
The fact that life is a self-fulfilling prophesy is probably more pertinent to your circumstances than you're allowing yourself to believe.   Try using more exciting sentences right this minute!

With considerably less effort than you may have imagined,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Champions Billionaires Masters Millionaires will quickly, dramatically improve both the quantity and quality of what you desire most. Achieve more effectivelywith shortcuts.
Do any of us speak with greater authority than masters and millionaires?

We can only move in one direction:
the direction of our most dominant current thought.

This absolutely guarantees that YOU taking control of the dominant current thought assures you of moving in that direction.   You will literally decide what new directions your life moves in.

Take more control of your life by aiming your mental flashlight intentionally.

Focus on what you want, rather than why you can't.
The exact amount of energy you now use to cite reasons why you're not at your personal high point -- the same exact energy of thought -- is instantly transferred and transmogrified into resolution focus when you list possible ways to get it done.

How about proving - today - that you understand this?

Whether it's the moment you marry the sweetheart of your dreams, or the moment you step in front of a camera for your first commercial or starring role, any moment that you're pursuing something with zeal is a moment you'll remember forever. It is also the moment for which you will be remembered.   You now have a reputation.   It will get better or worse in the next 24 hours...
...based on what you do in THESE 24 hours. There is only one way we'll ever know if you're smart enough to understand this.     One way only.

After all is said and done, this is your life, and it will end someday. Won't you feel so much better about it if you took the road of personal fulfillment, before it has passed forever, starting a new dream, a new goal, a new determined effort that you can work on... ...before it has passed... ...

before this moment is gone?


This is, by far, the largest personal website on earth, with 107,000 web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut   SR   All rights reserved for those who feed hungrier people.

Dedicated to Mnsr Bernie Kellogg, and don't forget Paul Newman,
the only man in history to spend one hundred million dollars feeding people

Appreciation to and to for free tutorials and scripts