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connecting 71,000 pages from a single pair of hands.

These are Masters and Millionaires shortcuts to success, from those who do... to you.

In every walk of life there is a top ten percent. These thousands of pages are all dedicated to you, with the intent of coaching tens of thousands of people to personal success and wealth, at no charge, in the expectation that most will take a portion of their new wealth to feed those who have been unable to feed themselves. Fair enough?     No strings, no charge.     Go ahead, feed somebody;   it feels good.  

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This is the largest personal web site on earth regarding shortcuts to success in any and every human endeavor. Masters and Millionaires are the best possible source of information, simply because they are the horse's mouth. success shortuts of masters millionaires, champions and billionaires are the most powerful shortcuts available to those who would succeed. Service to humanity inevitably and, long-term, brings enormous benefit, better, faster results, and happiness, health, wealth through shortcuts.

Always remember 911day,

the day the laughter died. Here in NY, it stunned.
Remember the vital love of all those we lost on what we call 911day.

Remember 911day