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Your Medical Destiny

Take charge of your medical destiny.     Today!!!

Get healthy. Take charge of deciding how long and how well you live. Controlling your weight is just one of many medical issues you can use to your instant, truly immediate benefit, as well as your long-term benefit.

These are the shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Olympic champions and billionaires.
They cost little or nothing, certainly less than you're paying now, and require less effort.

The best reason for taking charge of your medical destiny? Well, destiny and destination come from the same Latin root, and some of us believe that it's better to be the pilot of a boat in stormy waters than merely a hopeful passenger.

  1. Heart patients who improve their diets and lifestyles without surgery outlive those heart patients who DO have surgery, by a margin of up to fifteen years, sometimes more.

  2. During the three longest 'strikes' or job actions by doctors in the past 200 years, the death rate dropped dramatically within 24 hours of the strike's onset, and just as radically zoomed up when the action ended.

The moment you take this control back, you instantly add time to your life. You see, among a host of other benefits, you'll no longer need to have a worried-looking doctor telling you you're eating too much fatty meat, or smoking a bit too much. As your own doctor for all but traumatic injuries, you'll monitor yourself with more knowledge, less stress, and therefore better long-term prospects. You will save aggravation, money, thousands of minutes in waiting rooms, uncountable ergs of energy now wasted on worry about things that rarely come to pass, and, most of all, you will, statistically speaking, be saving your own life.

If you tell me you 'don't have time' to go to a library or to go on the Internet, I can only ask if you have time to sit for an hour or two waiting to be seen by the doctor. Have you even stopped to consider the insanity of this? Instead of spending an hour getting to the doctor's office, another hour or two waiting to be seen, worrying throughout that whole time that you have something dreadful, you can cut right through that entire mess of wasted time, money, worry, and effort…. By looking it up yourself and making better decisions. THEN, if you still need, or feel you need medical advice, you can get that too, faster, cheaper, and with less toll on your body and mind… asking experts on the Internet.

After all this, if you STILL feel you need to see the doctor, aren't you far better off going into that man or woman's office with far greater knowledge than you had before? With the knowledge you have gained, you can now participate in the decision-making process, rather than just leaving it in the hands of someone who cannot, and therefore does not, care as much about your life as you do. It's a logical, step-by-step process.

Better yet, even if, in the course of your going to the library, internet, etc., you should run into a term or a medicine that you don't recognize, you have instant access to finding your answers. Once again, should you need or believe you still need to consult a doctor, at least you'll know what the doctor means when he gravely pronounces that you have too much deoxyribonucleic acid in your body, hm?

In that last sentence I used the word "consult," and that's exactly what your doctor's job is: to CONSULT; not to order, demand or otherwise force upon you. His or her job is to generate money, and it's an unrealistic or overly-romantic individual who thinks otherwise, unless that doctor is working for a less than munificent fee for his consultation! Like every other number, the amount of his fee does not lie: it tells a great deal about his commitment to excellence. In the 1990's I frequently went to a Dr. Victor Chehebar, in Great Neck, NY., whose name was bandied about to me as being a 'brilliant diagnostician." He charged several hundred dollars per visit, even if it lasted but four or five minutes, which was more often than not, and never actually examined or treated me. He discussed reports, he issued prescriptions, he sent me to a variety of other specialists, and never actually touched me. It took about four thousand dollars' worth of visits before I surgically removed him from my diet, and I have to say that my healing process speeded up considerably.


When you see how doctors and medical professors seminally disagree on the most basic, simple life-extending methods and treatment, from low-fat/hi-carb, or low-this and high-that, to which medicine is best, or even what it is that needs curing, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee: you need to find out what's best for you, what has worked consistently for other successful people, and then duplicate the effort, knowing that there are virtually no known exceptions to the axiomatic truth that duplicating an effort leads to duplicating the result.

It's how you repeat every single successful task from birth to death, so let me repeat it: duplicating an effort inevitably leads to duplicating the result. Think about it. Don't just read and run past. Think about it. Then ask yourself clearly what result you most desire. The answer to that single question, and more so when it's a detailed answer, is a powerful, instantly utile path to enormously improved decision-making… ergo enormously improved results.

We all have high-powered shortcuts available to us that instantaneously guide each of us towards a far healthier life, adding both quantity and quality to our personal existence. Many of them begin working within seconds, and there is not a single human among you who can licitly decry or refute their effectiveness. Typically enjoyed immediately, and over the long term, you're about to boost your health with less effort or time than you're now investing. That's the single most important point of the information being presented: less effort, more results.

As a bonus for your faithfulness in shutting up and taking action, you'll also find that they instantly accelerate your results. Finally, the principles that underlie all that you're reminded of in these pages are principles that have specifically been used again and again, and yet again, by thousands of individually identifiable people who have consistently done it better than, well, let's bring it out up front… consistently done it better than you. That these people have also done it better than me need only affect you insofar as you see me duplicating their results by duplicating their methods. My lifetime dream of writing a hundred good documents had to change after I declared myself happy with my 200th fairly written essay. Now my goal is to write five hundred of them, and being at 330 or so now, it may well change again.

The only thing that doesn't change is my personal observation of people doing what they most love and learning how to do it better - from the horse's mouth.

These techniques have been practiced through countless generations by people who live longer and better. They are the horse's mouth because the best teachers are NOT those who know better; it's those who DO better.

If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, which end of the horse are you getting it from? Old wives' tales actually tend to be about as worthwhile as the information touted as "the most current scientific data available." The tiniest example of this is "Jewish penicillin," an affectionate term for chicken soup. After 6,000 years of feeding chicken soup to sick people, we find that chicken soup has more benefit to cold and flu than any other known hot liquid.

Every single year of your life, you can find "solid scientific data" that utterly belies what was "solid scientific data" as recently as a year earlier. Doesn’t this give you a hint you want to heed? This portion of the world's largest connected set of web sites dealing with shortcuts is focused on health matters: PowerGems for health that are one-conditionally guaranteed to produce faster, far more effective results than any of us are able to achieve through what we erroneously refer to as 'conventional' medicine.

How nice it will be the moment you demonstrate an understanding of how doctors who give us the most, give us the most. They're also living it the most. When we see 'alternative medicine' specialists such as former Surgeon General Everett Koop or Harvard professor Dr. Andrew Weil leaving their high-up positions to live lives of enormous giving AND living, right into their 60's, 70's, and beyond, well, it's time to think about equine anatomy again. Doctors who push prescriptions make a fat commission on each piece of paper handed to you. STOP. Did you 'hear' that? Every time a doctor gives you a piece of paper with that unmagical Rx on it, that doctor is making money. Should you consider suggesting that all doctors, including every one of yours, is acting on a purely non-financially motivated basis, you'd be invited to move to what is almost universally considered to be the most religious neighborhood in the U.S.A. You'd be invited to do so simply because I did, and objectively observed larcenous skullduggery and criminal behavior a full order of magnitude more prevalent than in the heart of any of the world's more dangerous cities, where I've also resided. Just as those who are referred to as 'observant' in their religion so rarely do more than observe, few doctors who own or operate a medical practice are doing more than practicing their business. If this strikes the reader in any way towards being judgmental, the reader is asked to determine if the reader's doctor is driving a five thousand dollar car, or a fifty thousand dollar car. Then, you are asked to look at the Hypocritica -- oops, Hippocratic oath, and read it. READ.

If, God forbid, you accidentally cut your left arm off or get knocked unconscious, or suffer from horrible kidney pains, by all means go to a hospital. It means you've already made one or more very bad decisions, entailing a need for assistance from someone else. Had you been paying attention, you would not have been hit, cut, or infected. That's a whole different chapter. For just about every medical concern that's not involved with traumatic injury, you have no less than ten thousand resources available to you that are exponentially better for your recovery than going to your local doctor's office. From blood cancer or diabetes to psoriasis or high blood pressure, doctors can only be useful in
helping you to help yourself, rather than what is too-readily perceived as a "Help me, Doc!" kind of situation. Even if you've already made so many poor decisions that your health is in the proverbial pits, you can engage an instant reversal of trend, an immediate alleviation of symptoms, by simply following those who have done so successfully, and repeatedly.

This site is created with respect and reverence
for those doctors and surgeons who live simply and give largely.

How well you understand the foregong paragraphs is found in the way you've just responded mentally, along the lines of "Doctors heal people most of the time" Put your seat belt on, because the statement requires your examination.

  • You're not being told that doctors are useless; only that they are, by a fat margin, a secondary resource for you to heal, NOT the primary resource you've been using them as.

  • Doctors don't heal people; they can help people to heal themselves.

For example, you believe that the chemical in aspirin alleviates a headache, and that antibiotics cure infections, and thirdly, that prescription medicines are good for you. You are assured, by the only human being in history to have read more than 17,000 books in 33 years that all three of those statements are 100% false, misleading, and dangerous to believe.

  1. Aspirin does not cure your headache. When it dissolves into your bloodstream, the active ingredient sends an electrochemical message to your brain which instructs your brain to produce natural pain-killing chemicals that will ease the headache.

  2. When you take an antibiotic, the antibiotic does not have any influence whatsoever on the infection. When the antibiotic dissolves into your bloodstream, it sends an electrochemical message to the brain, literally forcing the brain to produce more of the natural chemicals that will fight the infection.

  3. It is the same way with every single prescription medication available on the planet. The drug itself does not cure anything; it only forces your body to do what it's already designed to do, speeding up the process through artificial means. It's fair to estimate that, in no less than 80 to 90 percent of the occasions where such stimulation of the natural process is necessary, you can achieve those same results through methods and/or substances that are not as dangerous as prescription medicines. This is where the falsity of the third erroneous belief comes in regarding the so-called benefits or safety of medicine.

  4. EVERY prescription medication has unpleasant side effects that are identifiably dangerous to the body. No known exceptions. They are specifically designed to assault and depress your immune system in hope of encouraging your immune system to fight back against the invader in your body.     Hope?   Encourage?   Not very solid words for a science, are they?

That doesn't mean we should never take, for example, an antibiotic. It simply means that, before taking the drug we need to look at the side effects of that drug and then make an informed decision. You already use this process, often referred to as 'weighing the benefits against the drawbacks,' for many of the decisions you make in your life. What could be wrong with your thinking that, for the most precious of your resources, your life itself, you would leave such crucial decisions in the hands of someone who is far more interested in his or her own needs than in yours? Talk about stinking thinking!!

Why do you think that the drug is controlled by government agencies? You can't buy insulin or erythromycin or thorazine off a supermarket counter, you need to have a prescription. By law, every prescription must come with a piece of paper telling you all of the side effects and what we call contraindications, a fancy word that means to convey "all the things that can wrong with your body." Medicines are regulated by government for one reason only, my dear, and that is, THEY'RE DANGEROUS. When was the last time you read the little sheet that comes with your prescription?

Did you know that, for example, steroid-based medicines for many skin conditions, (corticosteroids) without exception are all severely dangerous to your liver and/or kidneys and/or …? Every medicine that requires a prescription requires a prescription because it has dangerous, sometimes lethal side effects.

In the year 2000, U.S. President William J. Clinton cited government reports establishing clearly that hundreds of people every week die 'by accident' because of misdiagnosis or being given the wrong medication. These occurences are not accidents, they are negligent homicides, because you can bet these doctors aren't making these mistakes with their children or parents or spouses, are they? As President, Mr. Clinton ordered that all federally-funded hospitals no longer accept handwritten prescriptions. Did you know this? Whether the doctor's chicken-scratch handwriting is being misread by the pharmacist, or the doctor is issuing the wrong medication for the patient, we know that eliminating handwritten prescriptions alone instantly began saving many thousands of you and your friends and relatives from dying needlessly.

Yes, yes, we already know that you believe it'll never happen to you. We can tell by the thousands of coffins being purchased and used month after month after month for people who "were doing fine just two days ago," who are now six feet under.

This site is also dedicated to you personally using time-saving, money-saving, aggravation-reducing, LIFE-SAVING PowerGem shortcuts to faster, better health and healing. As with all PowerGems, they are one-conditionally guaranteed to work. The one condition? They must be used. They are all chemical-free, unregulated by the government because they all involve natural methods that have been used, and are still used, by those people living longest and best. You are again asked that all-revealing question we began with:

If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, from those who have already done it better than you, which end of the horse ARE you relying upon?

Take control of your medical destiny today.       Reap the benefits immediately.

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In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, Steve Rubin, known to many as MrShortcut
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