Eponine scurries up the street. "'Zelma? Did you see the cop goin' by?"
Azelma says, "Yah, Ponine... Think we should tell Pa?"
Eponine says, "Let him find out on his own."
Eponine spits.
Azelma looks up at Eponine, and copies the spitting gesture. "You're right.
What'se ever done for us?"
Eponine reaches out and hugs Zelma. "Take care. Don't want to see you in
the Mad house."
Azelma cuddles in the warm embrace, the only warm thing in her life. "I'll
take care."
Eponine scuttles away again, to wait in the dark for a cold kiss from
'Parnasse and dream of Marius.
Azelma , against her better judgement, wanders home-ward to see what's
Montparnasse saunters down the street assuredly in his Mad Hatter outfit.
Azelma blinks. "Parnasse! What'che doin here? Ponine's not 'round."
Montparnasse says, "I know. She's asleep."
Montparnasse says, "Or something close."
Azelma says, "Asleep? Whereat?"
Montparnasse scowls. "None of your business, Zelma."
Montparnasse twirls his cane. "Where's your brother?"
Azelma steps a step closer. "I hain't thought she'd and me'd get out of
there, ever. Oh, I d'no. Off somewhere, again. Check near the Bastille?"
Montparnasse nods absentmindedly. "You will until you're older. 'Ponine's
nearly out of time, and she wasn't smart enough to lie. But you're safe."
Azelma believes every word he says fervently, although she's not sure of
what he means by some of them. The confidence with which he speaks
makes her feel very, very safe. "Thank you..." she whispers.
Montparnasse says, "Stay here. Have you seen anything?"
Azelma says, "I saw some guards go that way a bit ago. I couldn't hear
what they were about."
Azelma points.
Montparnasse says, "Fine. Keep awake."
Azelma smiles slightly. "Yes, m'sieur."
Montparnasse strolls onward.
Azelma calls after him, "You won't..." but she trails off. Maybe even before
he heard her. Hopefully.
Montparnasse turns swiftly. "I won't what?"
Azelma blushes. "You won't... stay with me a while? Why do you rush?"
Montparnasse raises one eyebrow. "There is a job that must be done
tonight. Do your part and let me do mine." He turns again and departs.
Azelma sighs.
Azelma keeps an eye out. Like a good girl.