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Biography - Alexandre  
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>  Alexandre was Born in Santos, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on July 2, 1977. His cultural growth started in his early years, when in 1978, along with his family, he moved to Midland in the state of Michigan.
There he lived for 10 months, where he attended nursery school. At the end of 1979, he moved back to Brazil, where he entered primary school in the city of Santos.
Alexandre remained in Santos until 1985. After Santos, due to his father's job, Alexandre and his family had to move to the city of Sao Paulo. In Sao Paulo, Alexandre attended the second grade of Nossa Senhora do Rosario school. In Sao Paulo, Alexandre had the first impressions of what his life would be.
This was the first time that he could notice and understand the meaning of changing schools and having to make new friends. At the end of 1989, due to the success of his father's work at DOW Chemical, the Giglio family would have to move once again.

This time another country. A whole new place, with a new language and a whole different culture to learn from.
In Mexico City, Alexandre entered the American School Foundation without knowing a single word in Spanish or English. At this time, he was faced with the greatest challenge of his life. How would he interact with people who spoke a completely different language than his? Or how could he become friends with people who lived a totally distinct life from his?
It was tough, but Alexandre worked his way around all the difficulties of life, and quickly adapted to a new life. He enjoyed learning about his new friends in school, and their own way of life. Alexandre lived in Mexico City until 1993, when, again, he would have to move one more time.

This time Europe, Milan, Italy. He arrived at Milan with a new view of life. This time he faced this new task as a challenge, and he welcomed it. With English as his second language he entered the American School of Milan, knowing that it would be easier to make friends.
At least this time he could have a conversation with other people, and this time they actually understood what he was talking about. At ASM, Alexandre entered at his Sophomore year, and left at the end of his Junior year in high school.
At school he attended normal high school classes, as well as Italian classes, in order to learn the language. In the American School of Milan, Alexandre also performed extra curricular activities, such as being involved with recycling.
After school, along with his friends, Alexandre collected paper and used to cans so they could send it all to a recycling center. He entered the varsity soccer team, and they reached the first place in the 93-94 season.
In Italy, Alexandre learned his fourth language along with a totally new and fascinating culture. Now he could speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. A little too much for a teenager. But he managed it all successfully.

In 1995, once again his father had to move to Midland, in the state of Michigan in the United States. His father's career grew higher, when he was called to perform a job at the headquarters of The DOW Chemical Corporation.
This time, Alexandre had to move once again, and move at his Senior year in high school. It was a difficult time in his life, he had to leave his Italian friends behind, and enter a new school at his Senior year, where everybody had already made their friends. But by this time, Alexandre was used to many changes in his life, and knew that he could manage one more.
Coming to a new school, Alexandre quickly made new friends. At school he had classes like Economics and Government. Alexandre also helped to spread his culture among children in the community. Along with a Spanish class from his high school, they would visit elementary schools and present topics like "Presenting the Brazilian Flag" and "Introducing Brazil."
He also entered the varsity soccer team, and they reached regionals. In June 1996, he graduated from Herbert Henry Dow High School, and he would finally pursue his passion, Marketing and Advertising.

After reviewing Business and Advertising programs, Western Michigan University came along. His choice came after a thorough search for a good school with a Business and Advertising program that could train him to succeed in the Real World.
At Western Michigan University, Alexandre worked as Garage Operator, where he would maintain and make sure that cars and vans were safe, so faculty members could use. He also worked as Assistant to the Manager for the Campus apartments for the University.
This time he would interact with tenants in order to solve any problems that they were facing with the apartments. He would also help any student who had any problems with the University. In 2001, along with some Brazilian friends, they decided to open the Brazilian Club at Western Michigan University. This club, would help them spread the Brazilian culture among people of the University. This way they could interact with people from other parts of the world, and therefore learn and teach at the same time.

The club helped Alexandre begin to show his creativity. He would create flyers, invitations, brochures and organize events to teach anyone interested in learning a different culture.
On April 21, 2001, Alexandre graduated from Western Michigan University, with a major on Business Administrations and minor on Marketing and Advertising. He was now ready to face the world.

On September 2002, he entered Nucleo de Propaganda in Sao Paulo, Brazil as an intern. He began to learn about new software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw and PageMaker. He also began to work with McIntosh.
After four months of being an intern, Alexandre was admitted as a Creative Assistant Professional.
At Nucleo de Propaganda, Alexandre created brochures, flyers, posters, buttons, magazine ads, t-shirts, price tags, banners, stamps, folders, envelopes, illustrations and logos. He also translated documents and advertisements from English to Portuguese, and vice versa, for clients such as Konica.

For the future, who knows??? Success is the only prediction.

> Contact Alexandre Giglio at

