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Delta Sigma Theta Chants and Poems


Duck Team

Chorus: I say duck team
a- waddle, waddle, quack, quack.
I say let me see your tail (you better wiggle).
I say duck team a-waddle, waddle, quack, quack--
let me see your tail.

Verse: Well, I was walking 'cross the yard
just the other day,
when lying in the gutter was an AKA!
I said get up girl (get up)
and I helped her to her feet.
Cause we don't allow no "paper" trash on Delta Street.


Verse: Well, I was walking 'cross the yard just the other night.
I heard a terrible noise,
I saw a frightening sight.
I opened up my eyes and what did I see...
Frankenstein momma was a Z Phi B.


Verse: Well, I was walking 'cross the yard
just the other day,
when a fine, sexy Soror
was coming my way.
I said,"What's up, girl?" (What up!)
"with your red and white.
You know we run this yard both day and night."


Greek Alphabet Song

Delta-Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Delta-Epsilon, Zeta, Eta
Theta, Iota, Kappa,
Lambda, Mu, Nu Xi--
watch ya step.
Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma,
Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi,
Psi, Omega--DST singing
don't want to be left behind!!
Omegas, Omegas our brothers;
Kappas, Kappas our lovers.
A Delta girl will make a man outta Alpha and a Sigma too.

d is in my mind
s not far behind
t is in my soul
delta's in control (oo-oop)

what's the name of that group(delta)
that makes you wanna go (oo-oop)
say it like a soror
mean it like a soror
the number one

what is a delta?
a delta is what an aka aint,
it's what a zeta wanna be
and a sigma can't.
it's what an alpha likes
and a kappa loves,
it's what a que psi phi can't get enough of!



The Delta girl is one who has been given the opportunity of education and broad development:
she is one who has enjoyed the privileges of culture and selected environment...
It is pleasing to a heartfelt depth to see her not as self centered, not desirous of selfish power, not wanting the plaudits of people, not wanting glory-
but with a purpose which directs her activities and all that she may control toward lifting somebody else
-Soror Mary McCleod-Bethune

The Delta Woman

Lovely creature
Hand made by God
Smooth-spoken woman
Modeling and serving
She is conspicuous as a growing seed
She is solid as a rock
She is as wayfaring as an ant
She stirs, serves, and hastes on.

Lovely creature
Hand-made by God
Smooth-spoken woman
Constant and valiant
Come wind, come rain
Comes no discouragement
She is relentless
Her vowed intent
She is a strong woman!

Lovely creature
Hand-made by God
Smooth-spoken woman
No task will she flee
This is right, for you see,
She is a Delta!

Lovely creature
Hand-made by God
Smooth-spoken woman
No hobglobin nor foul fiend
Can daunt her fine spirit.
So, she labors night and day;
Being ever true to herself,
Being ever true to Delta!

She Is Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

She is the embodiment of charity and patience
The epitome of sisterhood and fortitude
Through her emanates a torch of light
Glistening rays of sisterly servitude
* * *
Forging forth in virtues' stride
Holding fast her cardinals plain
Through her beams a will to survive
A grand history to maintain
* * *
As the Pyramids on the sands of Egypt
She is a phenomenal creation-her stature great
She treads a path of her own mind
Succumbing not to peer pressure or acts of fate
* * *
Who can she be, this woman of character fine?
Transcending those of mere majority
A sister - - DeSTined to Shine
* * *
written by Soror Rachelle Guillory


What Does Delta Sigma Theta mean to me?
Let me think-What can it be?
Laughter, Smiles and Sisters, too
Brand new friendships that are so true
The good times I know have just begun
Already it seems to be such fun.
Its hard to put into words I know
Since feelings aren't always easy to show
Delta Sigma Theta-in words I can only think of
one that's the best and that is LOVE
The more I put in, the more I see
how much Delta Sigma Theta means to me.

I`ll make a woman, a woman of essence
A woman of pride, a woman who is capable
Of putting trivial things a side
A woman of individuality
A woman of love,
A woman who is enfranchised
With the pearls from above
A woman who is genuine,
A leader of integrity,
God said...
I`ll make me a
REAL woman, I`ll call her


By Paula Marshall

Distinctive, devoted, delightful, dedicated
women of distinction,
carrying themselves proud yet humble
as the young girl is surrounded by the elders,
she gazes at these...
women of distinction,
dreaming that someday
she could be like them too
honored, revered,
cherished and loved,
yet with all the love and honoring they receive
they carry themselves with more humility than you and me
those are the women of distinction
they pass through a crowd and stand out
only because they know what it is to live with and without
they know what it is to work hard without recognition
as they ripened on the tree and their flowers bloomed
they hung gently from the tree
suddenly to be noticed by you and me
because that is not what they're all about
but because you can't ignore the doctors, the lawyers, the dreamers who live the dream
the aspiring women who created hope in us
the women who would not stay on the back of the bus
the warriors when no one else would fight
the leaders when few wanted to follow
This is to say thanks to those who made it possible for me to be here today,
living my dream among the crop as the cream.
This poem is dedicated to our 22 illustrious founders.