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Slater makes announcement, drops huge bombshell

BAYSIDE, Calif., June 12, 2007 -- Sqwad leader A.C. Slater called together a press conference today to deliver a huge announcement. A.C., rocking a fresh new suit, came to the podium and wasted no time in addressing the media. "The reason you are all here today, is for a very special occasion.."

Clifford continued, "It's been a long ass time since we inducted any new members into the Slater Sqwad, and since I'm the Sqwad leader, I can do whatever the hell I want. And when Albert Clifford does things, he always does it big. Real big. That's why I'm not inducting one. No, not two.. Not even three. Ok, actually it is three.. But three of the most ballin ass niggas ever. So without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, the three newest members of The Sqwad...


..."The Problem Solver" Ben Healy, "The Warrior" Mark Cooper", and last but not least The Great Hambino himself, "Killa Ham" Hamilton Porter!"

Similar to the Winslow press conference, the crowd erupted into yet another frenzy.

After the crowd recovered from the earth shattering announcement, the trio came to the podium and addressed the media. Healy had some extra swagger in his step when coming to the podium. Understandably so, considering he finally duped Peabody and returned Junior back to the orphanage. Healy said he hopes to add some versatility and act as a father figure to many members of the Sqwad.

"The Problem Solver" Ben Healy, "The Warrior" Mark Cooper and "Killa Ham" Hamilton Porter greet the media.

Cooper also says he can not only add some versatility to the crew but also share his tremendous blunt rolling techniques. According to Ham, he believes he can add depth and veteran leadership to an already stacked Sqwad. He also claims he can still land a mean canon ball and issued a $250,000 open challenge to anyone who thinks they can throw him out stealing second base. "Young Schweezy", who was also in attendance, also believes this feat can not be accomplished by a living soul. He's so confident, he will even raise the stakes to five-hundred G's. He dares anybody who has the guts to ante up. In fact, he double dog dares anybody.

Coop is always ballin', even when he's not on the court.

Afterwards, the trio posed for pictures. Ham commemorated the moment by
presenting his official Sqwad jersey with Healy, Schwartz and Coop at his side.

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