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Height: 5'7"

Weight: 126 lbs.

Hometown: Chicago, IL

AKA: Buttkick, Bling Bling Bobby Budnick

Quote: "It makes me wanna fart."

  • Is always a threat to go yard in kick ball
  • Broke Pinsky's nose with his fist
  • Owns a yellow Lambo
  • Him and D-Lips sneak off to puff blunts daily by the old pine trees
  • Buys beer with his fake ID
  • Hates spiders
  • Boasts a record of 386-1 in Crossfire (His lone loss was to Dina so he could score with her)
  • Got caught with pot and blamed it on Michael, getting him thrown out of camp
  • Owns 10 watches but is never on time
  • Is always first picked
  • Gives awful waffles to camp twerps like clockwork
  • Puts gum in girls hair for fun (ZZ once had to get her head shaved)
  • Is a puzzle genius
  • Hates plumbers
  • Sells UG nick's for 15 bucks
  • Rigs camp tennis matches for profits
  • Made The Notorious L.I.P. kneel down behind Sponge, and pushed him in a fire, resulting in 3rd degree burns across 80% of his body
  • Smokes a pipe


Budnick fooling this clerk into thinking he's 21, what a sucker.

If you smoke like they smoke, then ya high like every day.

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