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Height: 5'8"

Weight: 235 lbs.

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

AKA: The Problem Solver, Don't Hurt 'Em Healy

Quote: "Don't fuck wit Healy, ya feel me?"

  • Lists camping as his favorite pastime
  • Always has a smiley pie for dessert
  • Hates children
  • Pops wheelies regularly to impress dimes
  • Makes Junior his own personal slave
  • Drives a monster truck to work every day
  • Sabotaged his father's Mayoral election, on purpose
  • Rides spinners
  • Keeps dried prunes handy in case he gets shot
  • Loves MILFS
  • Often referred to as "Don't Hurt 'Em Healy", due to the fact he hurts people
  • Wears #1 Dad hats to score with single moms
  • Frequently participates in gang bangs
  • Owns a Benz that he ain't even drove yet
  • Also enjoys writing poetry


Healy did more than pop wheelies for Jessica Simpson.

Healy making Junior and another kid he found in the woods build a campfire.

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