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Height: 4'10"

Weight: 85 lbs.

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

AKA: Gunz of All Sorts Schwartz, Young Schweezy

Quote: "I double dog dare ya, nigga."

  • Enjoys fishing
  • Favorite NBA team is the Philadelphia 76ers
  • Owns over 430 firearms
  • Loves strip clubs
  • Was a werewolf on Halloween
  • Makes Flick his bitch
  • Lost his virginity at age 8
  • Is known to only wear Birdman Lugz
  • Schwartz is West Philadelphia, born and raised
  • Paid Scot Farkus to ambush Ralphie, but it backfired
  • Hates the taste of soap
  • Was the first to own an XBOX 360
  • Received an Uzi on his 3rd birthday
  • Loves to drink grape Kool-Aid with his dinner
  • Is always down for a drive by


Schwartz & A.C. at the local gentlemen's club.

Schwartz supporting his team.

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