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VB Codes

all the codes are put up by me "most made by me"


Satanist, Smp, IIIPESTIII, Matter, Boon, Dean, P TOWN MOB, NoVa, cj, shorty, nex, jnk, bonez

Movinglabel i made this cuz meny people ask me for it

Scrollinglabel this is like above but this one keep looping

Autolinker i made this to link my furst site while i went to bed may need to work on the pause

Linker this is a small linker from my prog Matrix

SignonVB with this u can loadAOL signon and goto a room with clicking one button

Upchat this is a upchat i made that can scroll the stats

Apppath this is how to make your prog play a sound in the app path

Chatscan this can show u how to make your chatscan

CDdoor shows you how to open / close the cd door with dos32

CDplayer this is a little cd payer ez to make into a c com

Fun error i made tis when aol3 was new it's still fun to use

Apispy make your own Api spy to get window info

Myapispy same as above but i made this one

4:20 W i keep missing 4:20 so i made this hope it helps you too

Mp3ccom this is my mp3 player off of matrix

Pws scanner look for PWS by making a prog that looks for emails in other progs

Get html get the html from anywebsite without going there

Menubmp this shows you how to put bmp files in your menu

Fader this uses crayofade bas to make a ez but nice fader

My mchat peeps got into makeing chatrooms so i made this to help eneyone that needs it

Roombuster this is the roombuster off my matrix program

Reminder i keep missing shit more then 4:20 so i made this hope it helps you too

Smallidle ez idlebot meny people ask for it

Afkbot just like the idle bot but send the reazon your gone

Imresponder let's the people that im you know that your not there

Massimer send a im to everyone in the room

Masmailer send a e mail to everyone in the room

Reqestbot if u need to find something this can do all the work for ya

Voter bot take a yes or no vote in a chatroom

8Ball bot just what it says it's let peeps ask your prog a Q..

Fighter bot takes two people from the room and make them fight

Welcome bot this well tell member welcome abd goodbye

Scrolltext this will load a text file to a textbox and let u scroll it to the chatroom

Screensaver this will show u how to make a ez screensaver

Xer a lot of people seem to need this a lot i made it cyberxer

Ccoms this is relly ez to do but peeps still ask for it

Chatim this is how to use a c com to send a im like .im name sup

Chatemail this is the same as above but to send e mail

E-Z mp3 nice mp3 c com code all files in zip

Pulldownmenu i made this so i wouldent have to remake it for everyone that need it

INI Files it will show u how to right to ini files

Setimage show u how to make your forms look like aol's forms

Clock i simple make a clock someone told me to add it

Antiecho if u don't like people ehcoing you get this

Systemtray this shows u how to minamize to the system tray without ocx

Fade pic shows u how to fade a picturebox can be used with mouseover

Maillist shows you how to add everyone in a listbox to one e mail

Pr room this is a c com a lot of peeps ask me for wont let you erenter the your in

Save/Load show u how to save and load a txt file useing comdlg.ocx comes with bas

Ascii just the basics of makeing a ascii shop

dupkill i added this so i don't need to remake it for a while

add2list i made this to add 2 list boxes to a 1 textbox good for phish tanks

Load/shell load another program with yours useing shell in a label or command button

Save handle save your handle useing a ini file

Aim maker this is a simple aim maker i made i see peeps still make them ;]

TimeDate showes you how to use the time to shutdown your pc