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Saving Your Doll(s)

1. After you have finished creating your doll(s), hit the PrintScrn/SysRq button (next to the F12 button on your keyboard).

2. Open up Microsoft Paint, or any other paint program on your computer. Click the paste button (under Edit button on your browser), you will see the webpage (with your dolls).

3. Click the cropping tool (rectangular button on the left side, top, with dotted lines, in Microsoft Paint), crop your dolls then hit copy (also under the Edit button).

4. Open up a new paint window on your computer and hit the paste button (again under the Edit menu). There's your dolls!

5. Now click go to File (next to Edit button), and click Save as... , name your file. Click Save.

6. Save to your Documents or Desktop for quick viewing or if uploading to the web. :)


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