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This is going to be an updates page. I'll post whenever I update the page. Note that I just started this page on 09/23/01.

Sept 23rd, 2001- Created this updates page.
                          - Added links to 8-Bit Theater, Reset, Bob and
                            George, Sexy Losers, and Explotation Now.

Sept 24th, 2001- Added Cool Stuff page.
                          - Put pics on Cool Stuff page.

Sept 25th, 2001- Created "School friends" page.

Sept 26th, 2001- Added Joe's pic to the pictures page.

Oct 01st, 2001- Added HFS, 98 Rock, PT Grimm, and MSI links to the links page.

Oct 02nd, 2001- Added a link back to the home page on all the pages.

Oct 04th, 2001- Added MSI pics to Cool stuff page.

Oct 08th, 2001- Reformatted front page.
                         - Redid links on the links page.

Oct 13th, 2001- Reformatted Cool stuff page.
                        - Added pages to the Cool Stuff page
                        - Switched Steve's picture.

Oct 15th, 2001- Reformatted Links page.
                        - Added pages to the Links page.

Oct 22nd, 2001- Added Forum page.

Oct 28th, 2001- Added Woap pics.

Nov 03rd, 2001- Linked to Woap's comic.

Nov 10th, 2001- Posted on my Thoughts page.

Nov 22nd, 2001- Created Random cool stuff page.
                          - Created page about me.

Mar 04th, 2002- Added, resized, and removed pics from School Friends page.
                          - Removed and changed pictures for some links.

Nov 11th, 2002- Edited EVERYTHING. Deleted pages, added content. Look
                           around for yourself, I don't feel like listing everything.
                          - Added Dan's comics.

Dec 04th, 2002- Created a page for my 8 Bit Theater stuff.
                         - Put navigation buttons on Dan's page and the 8 bit page.

Dec 05th, 2002- Created pages for my Top 10 favorite movies and albums.

Dec 06th, 2002- Uploaded pics, put them on pages.
                         - Made an update banner for the front page.
                         - Made a page for pics of me.
                         - Made a page for pics of Niki.
                         - Condensed the Link pages into one.

Dec 08th, 2002- Uploaded pics of Nick and Dan, put them on the friends page.
                         - Linked to Lauren's page.
                         - Do the Black Mage!
                         - Put a picture of Helena on the Friends page.

Dec 09th, 2002- Finished my Black Mage Dance icons, and uploaded them.

Dec 27th, 2002- Made a Wolfenstein comic. It's on the Dan's comics page.

Jan 06th, 2003- Pics of Ashely and Amanda.

Jul 31th, 2003- Took down a bunch of pictures, will probably upload new ones and place them.

Aug 22nd, 2003- Uploaded 2 pictures of me, put them on the Me page. Might do some more stuff later.

Aug 31nd, 2003- Uploaded and placed a lot of pics on the friends page.
                         - Added pics to Niki's page.