To : Ms. Janet Reno
United States Dept. of Justice

Ms. Reno,
I am writing on behalf of Federal Chief Prosecutor ,Mr.Gillermo Gil Bonar. Mr. Gil ,is the object of the wrath of our corrupt government and the criminals they are trying to protect.The past 8 years have been a nightmare of corruption that has no precedent in the annals of our history.This government ,headed by Pedro Rossello ,has blessed the corruption in all branches of government ,starting with our own Justice Department,that has been lenient,or unwilling to prosecute members of Rossello`s cabinet. The fact that Mr. Gil Bonar`s office has taken a decisive stand against this criminals,and against this corrupt government and it`s practices that have proven to be willing to protect this criminals at all costs, is the reason behind the frivolous and coward attacks to his performance.What Mr.Gil is doing, gives us ,the people of Puerto Rico, hope that those that have stolen the federal funds earmarked for those in need,will be punished and exposed. Mr.Gil, is not only touching the "untouchables", he is putting them where they belong, behind bars.He has had the courage to grab the monster by the horns, the white collar criminals that wear $1,200 suits , and we ,the people,are grateful for his valor and for the determination that moves him to perform his duties and ministerial obligations in such an outstanding manner .I ask you to look beyond the inflammatory and unjust complaint sent to you by Gov.Rossello, and identify the terror behind it. I am sure that at sooner or later in Mr. Gil`s investigations, the name of Pedro Rossello will surface prominently as an active player in these acts of corruption,therefore, I ask you to provide Mr. Gil with all your support by giving him all the means necessary to uncover the crimes of this corrupt government and it`s officials .I ask you to commend him for his excellent performance,and for giving us,the people of Puerto Rico,hope that our next government will be rid of corruption .By doing so ,you will be sending a strong message to the future administrators of federal funds.We,the decent and law abiding citizens are behind Mr. Gil Bonar 100%. Those attacking Mr. Gil, and seeking his removal,are those trying to perpetuate the corruption ,and escape the punishment they deserve. Don't let this happen . Keep Mr. Gil at the helm of this investigations and help us "clean the house". Tomorrow Puerto Rico will be a better place, and we will have our chief federal prosecutor,Mr. Guillermo Gil Bonar , to thank for it.
Thank You
Sr. El Pitirre

Esta Carta Fue enviada realmente por EL PITIRRE a la secreteria de Justicia Janet Reno. Otravez El Pitirre se la come
En Sin Pelos En La Lengua estamos mas que orgulloso que nuestro corresponsal Este haciendo historia
Si usted cree que el fiscal Gil esta haciendo un buen trabajo descubriendo prueba y sometiendo las acusaciones pertinentes para llevar a la justicia a los corruptos, y quiere enviar su mensaje de apoyo a la gestion en contra de la corrupcion a su jefa,la Sra. Janet Reno,hagalo presionando abajo(solo toque la carta junto a el Mono Titi). Los corruptos ,empezando por el gobernador ,ya estan enviando cartas a la secretaria para tratar de detener al fiscal y la labor que realiza en beneficio de nuestro pueblo. ES HORA DE QUE NOSOTROS LOS DECENTES ,ESCRIBAMOS PARA CONTRARRESTAR LOS EFECTOS NEGATIVOS DE LAS ACUSACIONES CONTRA EL FISCAL QUE LE ESTA TUMBANDO LAS CABEZAS A LOS LADRONES. APOYEMOS AL FISCAL GIL."
Su direccion es:
mono titíJanet Reno

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