Make Your Own With Authority! Pages!
Hi, this is TheMostElectrifying here, with a web page your all gonna love. Here you can find the images you need to make your very own With Authority! pages!!! Just use a image editing program to make them. I also have a page that shows my own pages I made. If you make your own page and want to see it here, email me at JayDog2127@hotmail.com. I'll put it on the submitted page with your WA! name if you wish. Now, enjoy your stay!
Images to make your own move page!
Images to make your own special page!
Images to make your own SS!
Download Paint Shop Pro 3
Paint Shop Pro 3 Tutorial
My own created pages!
Submitted pages
Submitted pages 2
Submitted pages 3
Submitted pages 4
8/13/01 - I split the submitted cards pages into seperate pages with 10 cards per page so the pages will load faster. On my own created pages, I added the "Here Comes The Money!" and "Make Me Famous!" pages. Also, for the promo lovers, on the "Images to make your own special page" page, I added the promo image. Thank You James & Daniel Jarvis for that image!
8/12/01 - It's like my updates are now twice a day. Phew! You guys are keeping me on my toes, but keep them coming. Some more submitted pages, and my own "Whasup!?" page. More updates tomorrow.
8/12/01 - A whole bunch of submitted cards today. Polls coming soon!
8/11/01 - Very busy today! I put up the PSP tutorial, and added a bunch of submitted pages. Check it out!
8/11/01 - People have been asking for a good image editing program to use, so if you need one, here's a good one for you! It downloads directly, just click here. If you got any problems, then watch here, because soon I'll be updating the site with a tutorial for the program.
With Authority and related marks are TM of Genetic Anomalies, a THQ company.
is a registered TM of World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. All other TM and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Also, the images contained on this web page may not be used in the game "With Authority," as they are for entertainment purposes only.