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Disclaimer: Again, I don’t own Thunderbirds, wish I did, I’d be rolling in it by now

Disclaimer: Again, I don’t own Thunderbirds, wish I did, I’d be rolling in it by now. Anyway, keep up the great feedback. Going to see if I can pull something off that’s never been done before, so Boomercat, mate, let’s see if I can shall we?



An early morning chat between brothers.

By Mouse.



Tracy Island.


After sleeping in for what felt like days, but in reality was only an extra few hours, John finally got out of bed, showered and dressed at around 10am the next morning. He felt slightly better after a good nights sleep in his own bed, but still abit tired and strung out. So today he planned to nothing more stressful than lie by the pool, sunback and sleep.


He went into the kitchen, finding it surprisingly empty for a change. He smiled to himself as he made himself some toast and poured a glass of orange juice. He sat down quietly eating his breakfast, reading the mornings paper that someone had thoughtfully printed out for him. It felt good to actually read it on print, instead of off a computer screen. He looked up as a figure came into the kitchen and smiled.

“Good morning Virgil, how are you?”


Virgil looked at his brother, noticing his eyes were clearer than they were last night, and his manner seemed to be lighter somehow. Amazing what a good night’s sleep could do. Scott had filled Virgil in on the late night conversation he had overheard a few weeks ago, so Virgil was detirmined to spend some time with his brother.

“I’m good thanks John. Must say you’re looking a little more chipper this morning. Coffee?”

“Please. Strong, black, two sugars thanks.” Virgil laughed. It was a standing joke that the two of them liked their coffee that way, the rest of the family preferring white coffee or no sugar in the case of Gordon.

“No problems.” Virgil busied himself for a few minutes preparing the coffee and put the mugs down on the table, sitting across from John.

“So, what are the plans for today?” John grinned.

“Well, not much more than sitting by the pool, catching up on some sleep and sunbaking. Basically doing nothing at all.” Virgil grinned back at him.

“Sounds like fun. Mind if I join you? I don’t have anything planned to do today.” John smiled, in truth, he would be glad for some company. He’d been alone to long.

“I’d love you to join me.” John sipped his coffee. “Hmm, this is good. Thanks.” Virgil smiled.

“Any time. I must say, it’s good to see you on the ground for a change. It’s so much easier to talk to you face to face than through a screen.” John snorted softly.

“Tell me about it.” John drained his coffee and Virgil could sense his reluctance to talk about the long time he spent in space. “I feel like swimming first, you up to that?” Virgil nodded.

“Sure, let me finish this first. I’ll even get together some cold drinks for us, going to be a nice hot one out there today.” John got up, taking his plate and everything over to the sink.

“Thanks Virgil, see you by the pool.” John left the room and Virgil sighed. What ever was bothering John wasn’t going to be easy to get out of him. Oh well, spending time with his brothers, especially when he hadn’t seen them for such a long time as in John’s case, was one of his favourite past times. Draining his coffee, he quickly grabbed some cold drinks from the fridge, putting them in a small eski to take down to the pool, and he headed off to his room to change into his bathers.


A few hours later found Virgil and John lying on the chairs, sipping drinks and talking softly. So far only Jeff had made an appearance, telling them that Scott was working on Thunderbird One and Gordon was with Brains working on something for Thunderbird Four. Tin-Tin had taken her father to the mainland to do the weekly shopping. They had spent a nice hour or so swimming and were catching up on general things. Virgil decided to go back in for another dip but John declined. After a few moments Virgil looked over to find John lying on the lounge, asleep. Virgil pulled himself out of the pool and studied his brother, his expression serious. John’s skin was fair, almost pale even, and now that he was asleep, Virgil could see the tiredness around his eyes, and the slight defensiveness that John had been giving off since arriving home. Virgil sighed and dried himself off. He looked up and noticed Scott walked towards them, a tray of sandwiches in his hand. Virgil walked over and met him, motioning for him to be quiet. Behind Scott came Gordon bearing a pitcher of lemonade and glasses. Scott looked over at John, his expression curious.

“He’s asleep.” Scott nodded and set the tray down quietly, Gordon did the same with the lemonade and glasses. They all sat around the table, enjoying the shade, all of them watching John sleep. Scott finally stirred after a few minutes.

“He looks so pale.” Gordon nodded.

“Being up there so long, I’m not surprised.” Virgil sighed and looked at Scott.

“He’s exhausted Scott. Emotionally I mean. Being up there alone for three months, that would have been hard.” Scott nodded and Gordon spoke up softly.

“It got bad a coupe of times their guys. He was getting to the end of his tether I think, in the last few days.” They looked at him, surprised.

“What do you mean Gordon?” They all spoke softly, as not to disturb him.

“I mean he was getting to the stage we’re he was really starting to bounce off the walls. I was calling him every night, and I think that’s the only thing that kept him going. He missed us, more than he’d admit to. You know John, always thinking of everyone else other than himself. Ever since we were kids.” Scott looked at Gordon and sighed.

“I know. When Mum died, it was him that kept it together the most. He looked after Alan and you two as well. I had to try and keep Dad together. And he did it all without complaint. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed him having ever cried about Mum’s death.” They all watched John, noticing the way his chest rose steadily, softly. The faded scar on his right arm where he had broken it rescuing Alan from a creek bed that the youngest had fallen into when they were children at the old Tracy farm. The whole Tracy clan had been scared by that one, especially Alan. He swore that he’d never go near the creek again, much to John’s quiet teasing. Scott sighed, worried about his brother.

“Dad and I have agreed, John needs a break. So no rescues for him while he’s down here.” And now Scott grinned. “In fact, Penny arrives in a couple of days to take him away. Our brother is going on holiday folks, to a winter wonderland with just about the most beautiful woman on the planet. I can’t think of a better way to recharge your batteries, can you?”


