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The Ox


Compatibility With Other Animals

Tiger 33 Almost impossible to make it work.
Horse 37 Unfortunately, they are part.
Dragon 52 Don't, two of you will fight constantly.
Goat 56 Probably not.
Dog 62 Difficult, but possible.
Pig 69 Why not, it worth a try.
Rabbit 72 This could work.
Ox 73 Conservative! Mutually protect & provide
Monkey 81 Nice. They are compatible and stable.
Snake 85 This union can be a good one.
Rooster 86 You are lucky enough to find each other.
Rat 88 A stable and steady relationship.









Ox people are hard-working and persistent, they can stick at a task longer and go at it harder than anybody. They believe in themselves and tend to classify almost everything into two basic categories, bad and good. They hold up their high standards as a model and severely judge those who don't aspire to maintain these same ideals.

Ox people are not social or party animals, they tend to be quiet when in a party. Although appears to be tranquil, in fact, Oxen are ponderous but impulsive when angry. They are capable of fearsome rages, therefore, it is better not to cross an Oxen.

Ox people are observant, they have remarkable memories and are good at reporting on absolutely everything they observe. Go ask an Oxen if he remembers who were at the party 8 months ago, most likely, he will name them one by one to you.

In the home, the Ox is a great guy to have around. In business, the OX can succeed in the arts, a contracting business, or an estate., thanks to their creative nature. And since an Ox is intelligent and good at his hands, he can be a good surgeon as well.

Ox people are stubborn and dogmatic, they believe in their decision and will never regret. They are also very close to their families disappointedly, Oxen often find that those who are close to them fail to understand them. Nevertheless, they are patient, and caring and that makes
the Oxen the best friend you can ever have.

Oxen are very responsible and loyal. Ox people are seldom jealous. but they will be jealous of their rights; and the fidelity of a husband or a wife is one of their rights. They are very family-oriented, conservative and faithful.


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