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..::IRC Dominator v1.6.0::...

This chat porgram is one of my favorites. Nice layout, pretty easy to use.
This bot has some great tools ranging from:

» Profanity Kicker (If someone uses foul language in the chat room they will be kicked)
» Url Kicker (If someone uses a url website in there sentense they will be kicked)
» Scrolling Kicker (If people are scrolling they will be kicked out)
» Caps Kick (Kicks people if they keep using capital leters)
» Auto Host (Auto host your best friends)
» Auto Join (If you where kick 'not banned' it will automatically rejoin you)
» Auto Kick List (useful if someone keeps coming into your chat room with defferent names eventually they will run out. lol)
» PassPort Sign In (Use your .NET passport so you dont have to enter in as a Guest)
» Auto Guest Kicker (Kicks out guest's automatically)
» Auto Welcome Message (Welcomes a person when they enter in the room)

..::And many more cool stuff, cant name them all ya know::...
Creator: Absolute Genius aka MrEnigma
Version: v1.6.0
Date Added: 7:35 PM 4/7/03
File Size: 3.55 MB
Download: IRC Dominator v1.6.0 Full + Auto Updater
Screen Shot: Screen Shot