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..::ShadowFX v2.0::...


Here it is this is my all time favorite bot to use in a chatroom you wana know why? Cuzz its so easy to use, dont get me wrong Viper bot is the best bot too but... its not that easy to use if your a 'newbie' at it, know what I mean?
This bot has thee great tools that a bot could ever have. It has:

» Word Kicker - (If someone uses the word you put in your 'word list' they will be kicked plus there is an option to put that person in your kick list. You can aslo but http:// to kick people that use a website url.)
» Scrolling Kicker - (If people are scrolling they will be kicked out, banned, or made a spectator.)
» Auto Host (Auto host your best friends)
» Auto Join (If you where kicked, it will automatically rejoin you. If you where banned don't worry, you can still enter the room but have to click connect)
» Auto Kick List (useful if someone keeps coming into your chat room with defferent names eventually they will run out. lol)
» PassPort Sign In (Use your .NET passport so you dont have to enter in as a Guest)
» Auto Guest Kicker (Kicks out guest's automatically)
» Auto Welcome Message (Welcomes a person when they enter in the room)
» *Auto Responder* (If you want someone to check out your rules for your chat room set your trigger to @rules or whatever and set you response to be the rules for your chat room. When a person types @rules they will get an automatic response from you telling them the rules of your chatroom. You can play around with this for other uses.)

..::And many more cool stuff, cant name them all ya know::...
Creator: Anthrax
Version: v2.0
Date Added: 7:35 PM 4/7/03
File Size: 1.49 MB
Download: ShadowFX v2.0
Preview: Screen Shot