A Chunk of My Life, Taken Straight from the Bible

Job 33:16-26

I'd just like to share with you these verses that God has given me. God spoke to me, and these very verses depict what my life has been like.

Job 33:16-26 (New Century Version)

"He speaks in their ears and frightens them with warnings

to turn them away from doing wrong

and to keep them from being proud

God does this to save a person from death,

to keep him from dying.

A person may be corrected while in bed and in great pain;

he may have continual pain in his very bones.

He may be in such pain that he even hates food,

even the very best meal.

His body becomes so thin there is almost nothing left of it,

and his bones that were hidden now stick out.

He is near death, and his life is almost over.

But there may be an angel to speak for him,

one out of a thousand, who will tell him what to do.

The angel will beg for mercy and say: "Save him from death.

I have found a way to pay for his life.

Then his body is made new like a child's.

It will return to the way it was when he was young.

That person will pray to God, and God will listen to him.

He will see God's face and will shout with happiness.

And God will set things right for him again."

Job 33:28 "God bought my life back from death,

and I will continue to enjoy my life."