1. Drag and drop the items to create your doll
2. Press the Prt Scrn/Sys Rq button, it is in the top right corner of your key board. This takes a screen shot, you won't see anything happen, but it does.
3. Open up a graphics/paint program (Microsoft Paint, Adobe, Paint Shop Pro, etc.)
4. Press 'ctrl' and 'V' at the same time to paste.
5. Crop your image into only your doll shows.
6. Save your doll.
7. Enjoy!
Please be patient, there are lots of props, so it may take a few minutes to load.
100% All Original Doll Maker
If you can't see the whole dollmaker because of the frames, please click here to open it in a new window so it can be viewed properly.
I did not make any of these props, if you see one of yours, please email me and I will take it down. Most came from other doll makers, or the Palace. I edited alot of them. I do not take any credit for any of them.