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Page 7 : Beale Ciphers Analyses

Main proofs that The Beale Papers is fiction

    Here is a summary of the main arguments that have been made to show that The Beale Papers is a work of fiction:

  • ...seemingly lazy and inefficient process..
  • TJB was certainly not beyond making clerical errors
  • TJB went about his task rather sloppily to say the least
  • TJB was not a professional cryptographer
  • TJB botched his job rather badly
  • Morriss states "The box was left in my hands in the Spring of 1822..."
  • Yet, that box contained the letter dated January 4, 1822, which states "It was at this time I handed you the box..."
  • The second statement is in the past tense, at a time before the event happened.

    Clearly, the author of The Beale Papers made several factual errors in weaving his complex tale.

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