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Poetry by Me

Female Chores

She's a broomstick girl in a broomstick world,

sweeping the minds of many.

Her dust pan ways will collect the days

of happiness - if any.

What girl wouldn't give to choose to live

the model life she leads?

To give up the desires that hunger inspires,

to have no essential needs.

Her mirror only reflects the many defects

that put her mind through hell.

When the toilet flushes, all her blood rushes -

but she will never tell.

She's a broomstick girl in a broomstick world,

envied by all of her friends.

When she's finally pleased, she will fall to her knees

accepting her life as it ends.


Five women, in a row,


Labeled by numbers.

Their legs, they are in motion,

Although they are taking them


Their mouths, they are in motion,

Although they refuse

To nourish.

Their eyes, they stare

At the television set in the front.

Their faces, they cringe,

As they see what they are not.

Their pride, it's torn,

They cry themselves to sleep that night,

Yet they return the day after.

Six women, in a row,


labeled by numbers,

Running from life.