High quality decals
for the armour modeller in all scales. The decals are made after
thr real markings and are very precise in shape and size. Welcome
to the online store.
These two decal sets decal was previously released as Bison-Decals
set 72004
and 72005. They are not complete as some markings are missing.
The missing
markings was printed on a OKI-printer, but as that printer no
longer are available
I've decided to release the available sets as a generic resource
for the builders
of British WW2 AFVs.
The quality of the
printing are very high as they are printed by Microscale US.
Set 72005 had markings for Royal Artillery (RA) tankdestroyers
and SPGs.
Set 72007 had markings for Armoured Cars and Light Tanks used
in NW Europe.