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Henry Hudson School No. 28

450 Humboldt Street

Rochester, New York 14610


  1. Absences

  2. Accidents

  3. Bicycles

  4. Busing

  5. Change of Address

  6. Change of Name

  7. Discipline Policy

  8. Dress

  9. Homework Policy

  10. Inclement Weather

  11. Library

  12. Lunchroom Rules and Procedures

  13. Administration of Medication by School Personnel

  14. Mission Statement

  15. Money and Valuables

  16. Parent Conferences

  17. Report Cards

  18. Responsibility of Parents

  19. Responsibility of Students

  20. Responsibility of Teachers

  21. School-Based Planning

  22. School Safety

  23. Solicitation

  24. Transfers

  25. Transportation

  26. Visitors

  27. Waiting Students



    Whenever a child is absent, a written excuse must be presented to the teacher when the child returns to school. It would be most helpful if you would telephone the school office when your child is absent.

    Initial treatment is given to pupils with minor injuries when an accident occurs in school. The parents or guardians are always notified by the school when medical care may be indicated for an injury or illness, provided a telephone number is listed with the school.

    The City School District is not responsible for all medical bills that result from accidents that occur in school. In the case of serious injury to your child, you must send all medical and ambulance bills to your insurance company if you have medical insurance. If you receive notice from your medical insurance company that your benefits do not cover all medical expenses, complete the white copy of the School Accident Notice and include the "Explanation of Benefits" or "Summary" returned to you by your insurance company.

    If you do not have medical insurance, complete the white copy of the School Accident Report and include all medical bills. To insure proper processing of your claim, be sure your bills have all the following information: student’s full name, name and address of doctor or hospital, type of service, date of each service, diagnosis and amount of each service. Send all paperwork to: Gateway Center, 150 East Main Street, Rochester, New York, 14647.

    When a student is hurt and the injury involves a motor vehicle (moving or standing still), all insurance claims must be filed in the following manner:

I.    Parent’s motor vehicle insurance

II.   School bus insurance

III.  Parent’s medical insurance

IV.  School accident program

    Children who do not qualify for bus transportation are expected to walk to and from school. Bicycles are not to be ridden to school

    Bus children should arrive at their bus stop a few minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Because of traffic and weather conditions, buses may arrive a few minutes late.

    The school should be notified of any change of address. New bus assignments may take up to two weeks.

    All bus children will be escorted toward the buses at dismissal. If you plan to pick up your child or make some other arrangement on a given day, the school must be notified in writing. If the parent or other adult planning to pick up a child does not arrive by dismissal time, the child will be sent home on the bus.

    The school must be notified immediately when a change of address or a change of telephone number occurs, so that records are up-to-date. Please call the office or send a note with your child.

    When a child’s legal name is to be changed, a corrected birth certificate showing the change must be submitted to the school for necessary recording and for a revision of the pupil’s records.

    Pupils in the Rochester public school system are expected to comply with the laws of the State of New York, and the rules and regulations of both the Rochester City School District and its individual schools.

    Specifically, behavior that, in the opinion of the teacher or other school personnel, falls within any of the following categories shall be subject to disciplinary action:

Disruption of the educational process, whether in classrooms, halls, other school facilities, or on school grounds.

Insubordination which shall include, among other things, the failure to obey reasonable directions of school personnel, and the refusal of students to identify themselves to school personnel.

Acts which threaten the safety and welfare of others, including, among other things, the carrying or use of weapons, sending false fire alarms and extortion.

Destruction or defacing of school property, equipment or supplies.

Acts which are crimes or offenses under laws of the State of New York or ordinances of the City of Rochester.

    Children who come to school neat and clean are more likely to take pride in themselves and in their work. All children are expected to attend class in clean school clothes. The use of lipstick, eye make-up and facial cosmetics are discouraged in elementary school. Hats, caps, do-rags or skullcaps are not allowed to be worn in the building at any time. Halter tops, midriff tops and t-shirts with inappropriate messages should not be worn to school. Parents should monitor the weather conditions and make sure their child is dressed appropriately.

    The City School District believes that students should extend their school experiences through skill reinforcement and enrichment activities, both at home and in the community. Homework assignments should reflect the needs, abilities and interests of students. At the elementary level, students need to begin to adjust to having homework. In kindergarten, this may simply mean bringing something of interest to class, or watching a special television program.

    Homework assignments for primary students may include activities such as parent-child discussion, collecting materials for a scrapbook, collecting items such as leaves and stones for nature study and writing on topics of personal interest.

    All students are encouraged to spend at least 20 minutes a day reading.

    It is a student’s responsibility to complete homework assignments. It is the teacher’s responsibility to clearly articulate to students and parents the purpose of homework and the percentage of the report card grade that homework will represent.

    It is the parents’ responsibility to support the student in completing assignments and in seeking clarification when necessary.


Recommended Times:

Grades K-2: 15 minutes

Grade 3: 30 minutes

Grades 4-5: 30-60 minutes

Grade 6: 1-1/2 hours to 2-1/2 hours daily

    Regulations of the State Education Department require a minimum of 180 days of school when pupils are in attendance. It is the responsibility of the Board of Education to keep schools open. Parents are to use their own judgment as to whether they send their children to school under extreme weather conditions or in unusual situations.

    The City School District uses local radio and television stations to announce school closings. Parents should monitor the weather conditions and tune in to WDKX, WHAM or WVOR for City School closings. It is imperative that all families have alternative plans in case of an early dismissal due to emergency conditions or extreme weather conditions. Children should know where to go if there is no parent at home. All bus and walking students will be dismissed when schools are closed early.

    We ask you, as parents, to encourage your children to use the library services provided to them, and to read at least 20 minutes a day on their own time. If they are beginning readers, please read to them daily. Also, teach your children to take care of the books that they borrow and to return books when they are due so that other children may use them. Parents are responsible for destruction or loss of library materials.

    An acceptable noise level is reached when children are talking quietly with other students at their own lunch table. Screaming, whistling, shouting, etc., by children or adults in the lunchroom is inappropriate. Getting out of their seat without permission is not allowed.

    We are using a traffic light signal as our lunchroom symbol for noise/behavior level.

Green: Noise level is O.K.

Yellow: Noise is getting too loud. This is a warning light!

Red:  Silence!  There is no talking and children will put their heads down.


General Lunchroom Rules

I.    Children are encouraged to eat their lunch before purchasing ice cream.

II.   No food is to leave the lunchroom. The child who is served must eat his/her own lunch. Sharing of food is discouraged for health reasons.

III.  Rules for the lunchroom will be clear and simple and will be permanently displayed in the lunchroom for all to see:

1.  Talk quietly.

2.  Stay in your seat.

3.  Respect others.

IV.  Students may not bring the following items to school or to the lunchroom:

bulletElectronic games
bulletNintendo games
bulletBaseball bats
bulletGlass containers
bulletTape players
bulletAnything expensive or oversized
bulletSoda or pop as a beverage
bulletSports balls or equipment
bulletSkateboards/roller blades

V.  Parents will be required to pick up confiscated items form the principal.

    The policy regarding administration of medication was established jointly by the City School District and the Monroe County Health Department in 1986.

    The nurse administers medications to pupils during school hours according to the following procedures:

1.  A determination is made by the Community Health Nurse that this is one of the few unusual situations where no other appropriate medical solution is available.

2.  A written order is on file with the Community Health Nurse from the prescribing physician stating the drug to be given, the time it is to be given and the dosage to be given. A signed, written statement and a signed waiver from the parent requesting that school personnel administer the medication is also on file.

3.  The parent or guardian must furnish the medication in the bottle. The medications must be delivered directly by the parent to the Community Health Nurse, nurse’s aide, or the professional staff member designated by the principal and be in the container supplied by the drug store. The name of the drug, dosage and time to be given should be indicated on the bottle.

    School No. 28 encourages learning through creative, innovative approaches to instruction in an orderly, safe environment.

    Children should not bring money or valuables to school, except to buy milk, lunch and ice cream. If money is required for other reasons, students and parents will be notified. The school cannot assume responsibility for money or valuables either lost accidentally or taken. Please teach children responsibility and how to keep their possessions safe. Pagers, baseball bats, hardballs or softballs, glass items, Walkmans, video games, electronic games, bikes, toys, skateboards or roller skates/blades should not be brought to school.

    Conferences with teachers and the principal should be scheduled ahead of time so that a special time is set aside for this purpose. Teachers are not able to confer with a parent while teaching a class of children. You may send a note with your child to the teacher, or telephone the office for an appointment. If you will not be able to keep a scheduled appointment, please call the school so that the teacher may schedule another parent for that time. Rochester City School District calendars should be consulted for the dates of parent conferences.

bulletElementary Education K-6
bulletMajor Achievement Program (MAP), 4-6
bulletBilingual Education, K-6
bulletSpecial Education
bulletSpecial Education Resource Room
bulletChildren’s Institute

    Elementary report cards will be issued four times for grades 1-6 (November, February, April and June). Kindergarten students will receive report cards twice a year.

    Parent participation in their child’s education is valued and encouraged. Visitations are also a right of every parent.  If you wish to observe your child’s class, please schedule an appointment with his/her teacher.  Out of consideration to the teacher, the students and the instructional program, visitations should last no longer than one half-hour.

1.     Parents and visitors entering the building must first stop by the office and pick up a pass that will be worn conspicuously before visiting any place in the building.

2.     During the first two weeks of school, parents may walk their children to their classrooms, if they choose.  However, after, parents will drop their children off at their designated entrance and pick them up at dismissal time at their designated exit.  If there is a family emergency, parents must stop at the main office to sign out their child.  The office will call the room and the child will be asked to report to the office for dismissal.

3.     Physical Education Dress:  Children may not use the following black-soled sneakers for Physical Education as they mark up the gymnasium floor:  Hoop, XJ900, Adidas, Voit, Asics, Segas, Cross-Trekers, Franklin, Fila, Everlast, Titan or Attack Force.


bulletStudents are to wear their Physical Education clothes (t-shirt and shorts) under their street clothes and change in their classroom.

1.        All coats will be hung in the coatrooms.  Sweaters and sweatshirts may be left in school and worn on cool days.  No jackets or coats are to be worn during the school day.

2.        Only students who eat breakfast at school may enter the building at 8:30.  All others will wait until the first bell at 9:00.

3.        Children having teacher’s permission to attend clubs, receive help, or do chores before school will be given a pass.  Student’s names will be submitted to Miss. Swarthout, Mrs. Gallagher, or the office.

4.        All students will report to their homerooms in the morning before requesting to use the bathroom.

5.        Students will enter the building through designated doors.  Students will exit the building through designated doors.  Parents are asked to pick up their children outside the front entrance at dismissal, away from the overhang, to facilitate dismissal.  Once dismissed, students shall not reenter the building or block the front door to meet their siblings.

6.        The teachers’ mailboxes and lunge are off limits to all students.

7.        Children may not jump over or walk on the wall in the front of the building.  Children are not allowed to climb on the goal posts out back.

8.        Three or more students going to a special class will be escorted by an adult.

9.        Children may not play on City Recreation equipment at arrival or dismissal of school.

1.     Students who are sent to the office for disciplinary reasons should bring a pass with an explanation of why they are there.  They will return to class with a response from the office.  If necessary, send another student five minutes later to see that they have arrived.  If not, inform the office that the student is truant.

2.     All television sets will be moved by adults.

3.     Dismissal Procedures:

·       All bused children will proceed to the buses at the warning bell, at 2:40 on Wednesday and 3:00 the rest of the week.

·       All other primary classes will line up inside their rooms until the dismissal bell, at 3:00 on Wednesday and at 3:20 the rest of the week.

·       All classes will be escorted out of the building as per assigned schedule.

·       Teachers will escort their students outside the building during the first two weeks of school.  After the first two weeks, teachers will use their discretion as to either dismiss students at the front door or supervise students outside the front of the building.

4.     Physical Education Dress: Have students prepare for Physical Education in their classrooms.

    Each district school has a planning team to review student performance, set goals for improvement and design a program by which the school may advance toward its goals. In addition, the teams which are decision-making bodies are increasingly being given more responsibility and authority to select school staff and determine how the school budget should be spent.

    The planning team includes teachers, building administrators, parents and other representatives such as community members chosen by consensus of the team. Students are included at the high school level.

    Parent representatives to the planning teams are elected through a process established by the parent organization at each school. If you are interested in the work of the planning teams, or wish to run for election to a team, you may contact the school principal or Mary Gallagher at 482-4836.

School Safety Patrol (children) are posted at the corners of Amsterdam and Humboldt and behind the school.

Adult Safety Guards are located at the corners of:

Marion and Humboldt

Atlantic and Culver

Main and Culver

    It is essential for the children’s safety that they cross ONLY at crosswalks, and strictly obey all the people who are looking out for their safety. Be sure to discuss this important matter with your children.

    City School District policy states that there shall be no solicitation during school hours on school grounds, of or by individual students, teachers, or staff for membership in, contributions to, or purchases in support of any organization, association, or group other than the Junior Red Cross, the Children’s Memorial Scholarship Fund and the United Way (or others as designated by the Board of Education).

    As soon as your family completes arrangements for moving, please notify the school office of your new address, your child’s new school and the last day your child will be attending this school.

    It would be a great help if our office could have this information before your child’s last day of school, since at least one day is needed to complete the necessary transfer forms and records

    Children who live more than one mile and a half from school qualify for school transportation service. For further information, please contact the Transportation Department of the City School District at 336-4000.

    Visitors must always report to the main office when entering the school building. They will be issued a visitor’s pass.

    Children are arriving at school as early as 8:00 a.m. There is no supervision on school grounds until 8:50 a.m., when the doors to school open (8:30 for breakfast students). Early arrival could be a danger or hardship for your children. Your children should leave home so that they arrive on school grounds between 8:50 and 9:00 a.m. Parents who leave early in the morning should seek day care in their neighborhood or at a center. Families are responsible for their children prior to their being picked up by the bus, or walking on campus prior to the 8:50-9:00 suggested arrival time.

    Children are dismissed at 3:20 p.m., or 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Parents are reminded that children should leave school grounds at dismissal. There is no supervision for children after 3:20 p.m. Families who pick up their children must be on time. There are no day-care facilities at the school.


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