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Cartworth Moor


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Match Report

Cartworth Moor 4 v Linthwaite 1

Cup Game

Valentines Day Massacre!

On a fine spring day at Cartworth Moor, the seeds of success were sown early, with Bogie levelling the pitch and getting crossed of the Moles christmas card list.

In an amazing game, mainly because of three miracles, Bettlestone scoring, James scoring (honest) and Cartworth winning, Fred demonstrated his abilities as the best 2nd team manager ever to manage Cartworth this week!

With major tatical changes, designed to impress the watching first team coach, and the finding of Richie B's teddy, thrown from the cot last week, Richie Barraclough led Cartworth to a memorable victory!

With Helmy directing from the wing, the whole team finaly produced a worthwhile performance in all departments, even Nik managed to save a penalty. In what must have been a good time of the month, both Mad Al and new loony Gavin even managed not to get sent off.

Prediction for Saturday - Score Draw!

Excellent Team performance rounded off by a Man of the Match display from Rich Barraclough

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