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Cartworth Moor


    News Headlines

    Match Report

    Player Profile


    Directions to the Moor!

    Picture Gallery




His Excellency President of Cartworth for Life, Field Marshal, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the Moor.

The one and only, truly gifted, who's feet we bow at, master of football, scorer of wonder goals, lover of beautiful women, brother to fit sister's, icon to the gay, king of kings, slayer of dragons, leader of men, Emperor of China, Commander of the Federation Forces, righter of wrongs.

Mayor of Cartworth, landlord of the Bridge Tavern, walker on water, holder of the key to the gates of Cartworth, Capatain of the Starship Enterprise, founder of the Power Rangers, one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind, ex teenager mutant ninja turtle, knight of the realm.

The one, the only, best player at Cartworth ever, by a mile, (which isn't saying much) we salute you!


Well done mate!

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