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The Beginning

It was an eerie evening early in the year 2003. I could tell that there was something special about this day but I couldn't put my finger on it. In fact I put the feeling down to the food I ate in the canteen earlier! Little did I know that something significant would happen to me that would affect the rest of my life (at least for a while) I had to wait until Budd finally blurted it out, it went something along the lines of "Nick we're going to start a band and you are going to be the singer!" At first I was slightly taken back by this sudden and random gesture by Budd but then my mind started drifting and before I knew it I had visions of sexy groupies off my arms, no money worries in fact on contrary and actually having a living that would involve something that I have a passion for which is obviously music.

Flicking back to reality in another instant I couldn't help but be brought down from the cloud by the fact that I not only couldn't play a musical instrument but also had the singing voice of a howling bitch on heat! So I then made a vow to myself that I would learn to sing better (fortunately I had couple friends that knew how) and from that day I started playing my guitar - a classic acoustic that my parents had bought for me a year ago! Since then progress was sweet as we started churning song after song at an alarming rate with Budd writing the music and me coming up with the lyrics and the occasional idea. I still don't consider myself to be a proper singer or guitarist but the music we are creating is getting better as experience grows and as we get more and more used to working with each other which was already easy in the first place. 14/04/03 Nicholas McDowall

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