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Weapon Specifications
Weapon Type :
Anti-Tank Weapon

M79 LAW Rocket Launcher
(Light Anti-Tank Weapon )

The M79 LAW Rocket Launcher is a light weight disposable Anti-Tank weapon utilising
60mm stabilsied fin, rocket propelled mortar munitions. The LAW is extremely effective
against Anti-Infantry ground vehicals such as Bradly Armored Transports, Tanks and
Armored stationary turret systems. This weapon can also be effectively used against
airborne targets as an STA-AA ( surface to air, anti-aircraft ) Guided missle

Augmented by a computer controled inphared laser guidance system, the LAW will
automatically pinpoint it's destination by the course of the wielder's general aiming

This weapon is available to the player.
This weapon is not equipped on any common facility personell.