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Weapon Specifications
Weapon Type :
Combat Shotgun

Francias SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun

The Francias SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun is a very effective spread-fire weapon utilising
12Guage scattershot ammunition and is commonly found throughout the field.

The Francias SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun can be fired in semi-automatic, cock and lock
succession. Each Scatter shot shell houses 6 steel ball bearing pellets capable of
a wide spread dispersion pattern acrossed an entire room or cooridor.

This enables impressively substancial pellet damage at targets within a closer
range of impact. The further targets are away from the even spread, the less effective
the impact of pellets will be.

This weapon can fire a single buckshot shell as a primary function in semi-auto mode.
The secondary firing function can expend 2 buckshot shells simotaniously equaling
12 steel ball bearing pellets to be fired at a given target with an increased spread.

This weapon can be extremely effective at close range but at long ranges, due to a
wide dispersion fire, can be less then formidable.

This weapon is available to the player.
This weapon is equipped on military Shotgun Troopers