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Terror Organisations in Europe
Red Regiments (Italy)
It was founded in 1968. In 1984,
they have divided in two different fractions, one is BR-PCC (Party of Red
Regiment Communist Combatants) and the other one is BR-UCC (Union of Red
Regiment Communist Combatants). BR-PCC’s first action was the burglary of a
mail-coach, in February 1987. In this action, two police officers have been
killed. BR-UCC has killed the president of the Italian Space Weapons, in March
1987. Red Regiment is a very dangerous crime organisation and it acts with
Marxist-Leninist ideology. The organisation accuses the Italian government of
being bourgeois and fascist and its main objective is to demolish the
governmental system of Italy. Another target of the organisation is USA
missions. The actions of the organisation, in 1970 have deeply depressed the
Italian society. In the following years, with the measures taken by the Italian
government, the organisation has been repulsed. However, the organisation is
still threatening the Italian police and the government. The organisations
inactivated after the Italian and the French governments have arrested its
leading members, in 1989. However, there are still about fifty members of the
committing crime actions. They mostly attack and kill police officers. Another
important action of them is the attack of Giuseppe Taliercio, the chairperson of
Montedission Petrochemical Industry. The Red Regiment has all the
characteristics of a crime organisation as arsons, murders, kidnapping, or
bombing... They fight with all their opponents, especially the journalists. In
November 1977, the organisation has shot the editor of “La Stampa” and killed
him. Later, they have telephoned to the news agency and said, “we have judged
the government’s servant and sentenced him to death, this was his execution.”
Although the organisation has connection with the Palestinian guerrillas, they
mostly co-operate with Beader-Meinhoff and their sympathisers. From the
beginning of the 80’s, the Italian security forces have reduced the
organisation’s action in a marginal level. However, this pulse led the
organisation’s member to co-operate with the Sicilian Mafia and Ndragentha.
Today, the organisation has close connections with Turkish Marxist and Leninist
terror organisations. The Italian authorities have approved this fact and this
event has been investigated in TREVI’s secret meetings