Dragon Ball Z Collectable Card Game

This is a very basic explination of the DBZ Card Game. If you are looking for more info on it the go to http://www.dbzcardgame.com for more information. Or you can Email me at kite7@msn.com because I myself am very into this Card Game and I have almost memerized the entire rule book. Plus I Have many many rule books for emetate refrence.

How to win

1. Survival Victory: The Survival Victory acurse the instant one of the players has 0 cards left in his/her life deck. See blow for details on the Combat section of this page.

2. Dragon Ball Victory This happens by controlling all 7 dragon balls of 1 compleat set (Earth, Namek, Dende)

3. Most Powerfull Personality This happens when anger advances a personality to its highest power stage(see below for detail)

Starting A New Game

Ok this may sound a little confusing because it is hard to explain withouut having the cards infront of you.

1.The first thing you want to do with your starter deck or cards that you already have are to revove your Main Personality from the deck and stack them in order 1-3 or more starting at one.

2. All players Place the scouter at 5 above zero.

3.All players anounce they're highest Personality Level so that they can be asure if they may win a Strongest Personality Victory.

4. All pLayers with Senei and Senei Decks place them into play.

5. All players declaring a Tokui-Waza MUST anounce it now.

6. If you have a mastry you place it into play. All masteries require that you delcare a Tokui-Waza.

7. Check the double power rule. At the begining of the game check to see what the powerstages of the mainpersonalitys at 5 above 0 are. if 1 player is double the amont of another than the lower one goes to its highest powerstage and goes first. The other goes to 2 powerstages above 0.

8. Shuffle the rest of your life deck and place it infront of you your oponent may cut it once.

9. set the anger sword to zero.

10. Swap cards from your Sensei deck with your life deck. Remove the number of sensei cards you wish to put in your life deck from your life deck INCLUDING DRAGON BALLS and remove them from the game. Shuffle your sensei cards into your life deck.

11. If the double powerrule was not used then the personality that is Hero goes first. If both players are heroes and double powerrule doesn't aply flip a coin. If there are more than 2 players pick a random card from your life deck and look at the number in the uper right-hand corner.Who ever is highest goes first then rotate in a cricle going either clockwise or counter clockwise. Shuffle that card backinto your life deck. After going threw all of that you are finaly ready to play.

Steps Of Play

Step 1 Draw: If you are the active player draw the top 3 cards of your life deck. you always draw cards from the top of your life deck.

Step 2 Non-Comabt: After Drawing 3 cards place ALL Non-Combat, Drills, and Allies into play. If you play a Dragon Ball now is the time to use its effect unless it says other wise.

Step 3 Power Up: After playing Non_Combat cards you may raise your power stages acording to your PUR(power Up Rating) Basicly its that number on your Main Personality next to its power. If you have allies in play you may raise them ny ONE and only ONE! No more no less.

Step 4 COMABT!: Now the fun begins. (Keep in mind that while declaring combat you do not draw cards until combat is over and its optional to declare combat) If you declare combat as the active player(attacker)keep the cards alredy in your hand and the defender draws 3 cards. now you may use energy combat, physical combat, combat, and non-combat cards. Its easy all you have to do is do whatever the card says. When Using an attacking card EXAMPLE: Gohans Sword Thrust, you do what the card says. If the defender can't stop the attack then He/She must take the damage. If the card does powerstages of damage then you lower you powerstages by the given amount. If life cards than you discard cards from your life deck. It is possible to stop the attack but only if you have that can stop the attack.

Step 5Discard:

There are 2 ways you do this. If you have skiped step 4 (COMBAT) then you discard the cards in your hand until you have one in your hand(NOTE: you may discard them in any order). Now comes Rejuvination . Rejuvination is ONLY ACTIVATED IF YOU DID NOT DECLARE COMBAT!. Rejuvination alows you to take the top card of your discard pile and put it on the bottom of your life deck. If you Declared Combat than you just discard down to one and continue the game.

Types Of Cards

1 Non-Combat: Non-Combat and/or Drill cards are played at the begining of the Non-COmbat Step. Then you use the efects when the spesify(usualy during comabt combat)

2 Allies: Allies is always played during the Non-Combat step unless spesifyed otherwise. Allies have 2 functions 1 Re-Directing damage: When taking damage from any attack that does power stages of damage you may Re-Direct damage to an aly. But that one aly has to take the FULL DAMAGE example: lets say you have Kid Trunks and Piccilo as allies and you just took damage from a physical attack doing 7 powerstages. You may not have Kid Trunks take 4 and Piccilo take 3. The second thing they do is Taking Over Combat. When your Main Personality has reached 1 powerstage above 0 or 0 then you may then take over combat with an aly, That aly becomes your Main Personality until combat is over.(NOTE:While an aly is in control of combat you may use the aly's power).

3 Dragon Balls: Dragon Balls are also played during the Non-Combat Step(Unless spesifyed otherwise). After playing a Dragon Ball you emidiatly use the effect(Unless spesifyed otherwise) and do whatever it says. Example: If you play Dende Dragon Ball 7 you would raise your Main Personality to its highest power stage and draw 3 cards. Once you have a set of either Earth,Namek, or Dende Dragon Balls 1-7 in play YOU WIN! (NOTE: Only one copy of each Dragon Ball may be in play at a time) ONE MOOORE THING! Dragon Balls may not be discarded into the discard pile. When this happens they go at the bottom of life deck and u discard the card under it instead. BUT they can be removed from the game!

3 Physical,Energy, And Combat Cards: A Physical Combat card is used to either Attack or Defend against another Physical Combat card. It spesifys what it does. Most Physical Combat cards do power stages of damage. To take the damage you jusy lower your power stages by the given amount.If by chance you have no more power stages left you must discard cards from youyr discard pile until the damage is fuly payed for..Energy Combat cards are the same as Physical Combat cards, either performs or stops energy attacks. To perform an energy attack you usualy lower you powerstages by 2 to use it. Most energy attacks do life cards of damage. If you come arcoss a card that doesn't say how much and just says Enrgy Attack than it does 4 life cards. To take damage from an energy attack you discard how ever many cards it says from the attack. So if it does 4 than guess what u discard 4 cards. This is where Endurance comes in. Lets say you just took damage from an energy or physical attack that did life cards of damage that did 5 life cards of damage. You begin to discard cards when you see a card that says Endurance2 well you have the option of removing that card from the game to Prevent 2 life cards of damage YAAAY! Then you only have to discard 3 and you get to save 1 card how happy that is! But in the unlikely event you don't have Endurance and you take the full amount you may get worried. Because if you perform an attack that does 5 or more life cards of damage you get to CAPTURE one of your opponents Dragon Balls! HOW COOL IS THAT.....no i didn't think so...COMBAT CArds yes lets move onto combat cards. Ok its simple you play a combat card and do whatever it says. Empower: Now comes the question we've all been wondering what the heck is empower?