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~ Pollux ~

A friend of mine was working at a local pet store, and told me that one of the dumbo rats they got in, was pregnant. So, she put the mommy in a 20 gallon tank and made tried to make her comfortable. And I went in a couple times a week to hang out with the mommy, and make sure everything was ok. On July 5th, 2003, she gave birth to, 11 babies. They were black and beige with blazes, and some berkshires.

Pollux was a sweet heart. Just like his brother Castor, he loves to be around people, and give kisses.

Rainbow Bridge: January 12, 2005, Pollux died. About a week before he passed, he was so happy and full of energy. He would come up to the cage door as soon as he heard anyone near it, looking for some attention and love; which of course I gladly gave him.

But within a week he changed so fast. His myco was getting so bad, he got tired so easily and it was hard for him to breathe. He still ate a lot but he was losing weight so rapidly. I called our vet and told her what was going on with Pollux and she told me that by the sounds of everything he didn’t have much time, so I made an appointment for him at the earliest they had the next day, but it was too late.

As I was getting him packed up and ready to go into the car, he just stopped moving and laid in my arms. I just held him as he looked up at me, and I knew. I knew right then and there he wasn’t going to make it to the vet’s so why put him through the stress of everything only to die in a strange place. For the next 30 minutes I laid with him on my bed holding him and softly rubbing his head. He left this world at 8:41pm that night. He was the first rat I have ever had that died and it was just really hard to deal with. My mom and I found a nice tin box, that was my step father’s (he died 4 years ago) to lay Pollux in. I wrapped him in a towel and put some bedding from his cage, where he lived with his brother, and a couple yoggies. The next day, Mike and I buried Pollux in my back yard under a tree. I will never forget that little rattie because he had so much love and sweetness to give everyone and his spirit was just too big for his little body.

Last Revised: March 14, 2005

© Diamond State Rattery, 2005