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October 1, 2004


I.                     All owners have veto power for changes involving expansion, new ownership, roster size, reducing the amount of players kept, “drastic” changes in scoring, changes to roster positions, changes in starting lineups, alignment, and all matters that would change the object from obtaining the most “points (as herein defined)” over 14 weeks and winning the playoffs.  “Points as used in rule I are defined solely by rule VI.”

II.                   All other amendments other than those in I require a minimum of 7-3 votes.

III.                 Draft order will be drawn from a hat randomly for the succeeding draft.

IV.                 Schedule will be determined by the draft order.

V.                   The season begins with the kickoff of week 1 and ends with the final game of week 14.  The championship game week 15, and the Genesis Bowl week 16.

VI.                 Each week teams will play head-to-head.  The winner will receive 1 point for a win and a ½ point for a tie.

VII.               The winner of the league will collect 85% and the runner up will receive 15% as determined by the “Genesis Bowl”.

VIII.             Division winners are exempt from transaction and entry fee.

IX.                Playoff teams are exempt from entry fees.

X.                  Each team may protect 11 players from the previous year.  These players are due immediately preceding the draft.

XI.                Each team will be allotted 3 minutes per pick and each pick must be submitted in writing or email to the Commissioner.

XII.              Ron Blum rule-If a player chosen is retired, dead, or already on a roster, the draft pick is lost.  No exceptions.

XIII.            A player drafted at a position must be listed at that position in at least 2 current publications nationally recognized.

XIV.            Each team may have a maximum 21 players on their team at any time, broken down as follows:  3 QB, 6 RB, 6 WR, 2 TE, 2 K, 2 DEF.  If a team has more than the maximum number of players allotted or more at any one position than outlined above, they will be fined $1 per day until their roster is amended to meet these rules.

XV.              A starting lineup consists of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DEF.

XVI.            Starting lineups are due by the opening kick off of each week.  If no line up is submitted by this deadline, the previous week’s line up will be used.  If there is a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday game only the players you wish to play in these games must be submitted prior to that game's kickoff.  If no players are submitted, any player on your previous week's roster will be ACTIVE for that game.

XVII.          Trades cost $.50 each, waivers cost $1.00 each.  Both are unlimited If a player is waived and no one is acquired, the cost will be $.50 and vice versa.

XVIII.        Draft picks may be traded up to 2 years into the future.

XIX.            A player must be available for at least one Genesis draft before they can be claimed off of waivers.

XX.              No trades or waivers may be made between kickoff of week 10 and the completion of the NFL Genesis Bowl.  The waver hiatus will continue until the completion of the next draft.  However, trades may be conducted immediately following the completion of the Genesis Bowl (the “offseason”).  All off season trades are free.

XXI.            All trade, waiver, and entry fee must be paid to the Commissioner at the following draft.

XXII.          You may  send a representative to the draft but no phone consultations or picks are allowed

XXIII.        You must pay all fees owed prior to the draft or you will not be allowed to draft.  You will also not be able to turn in a starting lineup, trade, nor acquire any free agents until fees are paid in full.

XXIV.        Home field advantage in the playoffs will be 6 points to the team with the best record in each game.

XXV.          $40 entry fee per year.

XXVI.        Name changes are free.

XXVII.      Tie Breaker in playoffs will be overall points scored in the regular season.

XXVIII.    2 Teams from each conference will make the playoffs.  Winner of the IFC will meet the winner of the NFC in the Genesis Bowl.

XXIX.       Alignment is as follows:  IFC – Warsaw, Bodo, Mile High, Woolongong , Amsterdam.   NFC – Okuma, Owosso, Columbus, Yeller, RMH

XXX.         The draft will be held the second weekend of August each year.

XXXI.       Those that do not attend the draft in person must go through the “Spanking Machine” at the ensuring draft or the next time they physically appear for a draft.

XXXII.     Last place team from previous year will wear a dress during the draft and obtain a beer for anyone participating in the draft as a team owner.

XXXIII.   All lineup/point value disputes must be brought to the attention of the Commissioner prior to the kickoff of the following week.  Genesis Bowl disputes must be brought to the attention of the Commissioner within 2 weeks following the final game of that week.

XXXIV.    If a lineup is submitted and contains more players at one position than what is defined in rule XV, then the team will receive points for the lowest scoring player(s) at that position.

XXXV.     Scoring:



                TD YARDAGE  - POINTS

                0-9 yards – 6

                10-39 yards – 9

                40 + yards – 12

**Out of position scoring will be awarded a bonus of 6 points as well as all kick returns for TD’s and fumble recoveries in the endzone.



1 point per 10 yards receiving/rushing

1 point per 30 yards passing



Sacks, INT’s, and fumble recoveries are worth 1 point each.  Safeties are worth 5 points each.  2 point conversions are worth  2 pts each regardless of manner.



0 – 2 point giver up = 7

3 - 8 point giver up = 5

9 – 14 point giver up = 3





All FG’s less than 50 yards are worth 3 points.  All FG’s 50 yards or more are worth 5 points.  Extra points are worth 1 point each.