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The Masters League



1.        All owners have veto power when changes are proposed; 1) to this rule, 2) expansion, 3) new ownership, 4) reducing roster size, 5) reducing amount of players protected, 6) drastic changes in scoring, 7) changes to roster positions, 8) changes in the starting line-up, and 9) in all matters that would attempt to change the reward pattern from the existing: 1st place going to the team with the most total points, 2nd place going to the team with the best record, 3rd place going to the team with the second best record, and 4th place going to the team with the third best record. 


2.        After the first year, all proposed amendments, other than those listed above, require a minimum of 70 percent supportive votes.


3.        The Masters Draft will be held on the second full weekend after the 4th of July.  An owner must be present to draft or have a representative present to draft for them (non-Masters owner).   A person may draft for only one team.


4.        The schedule will be determined by the previous year’s draft order.  .


5.        The league will begin with the kick-off of week 1 and end with the final second of the regular season.


6.        Each week two franchises will meet head-to-head.  Whoever earns the most “game points” will win that match-up, and will earn one “win point”.  In the case of a tie each team will earn half of a “win point”.


7.        After week 17 the franchise with the most “game points” will collect $150 ($200, if they finish in the top three in "Win points") plus transactions, the franchise with the most “win points” will collect $75.00 from the entry fee, the team with the second most "Win points" will collect $50.  The team with the third most "Win points" will collect $25 dollars.  All teams that finish in the top 4 in “Win Points” for a given year are exempt from transaction fees for that year.  In the event of a tie the franchise with the most “game points” will be the winner. Further ties will be resolved by a coin toss.    The top three finishers are also exempt from the $50 entry fee.


8.        In the case of a year with an odd number of teams, there will be no head-to-head games, and total points will decide the finish.


9.        All franchises may protect 16 roster positions prior to the draft. 


10.     If there is an expansion draft each franchise may protect two less roster positions, than normal, prior to the draft.


11.     Expansion teams will get five alternating picks (no rookies), free transactions in the first year, and will only have to pay $15 dollars max (if they lose).


12.     Twenty minutes prior to the draft all franchises wishing to protect roster positions must do so.  All E*OFFICE fees must be paid at this time.  Failure to pay in full by the start of the draft will result in your exclusion, completely, from the draft.  You may still protect your players.  No line-up will be allowed until payment is made in full.  No line-ups will be accepted until fees are paid in full.  If payment is not made by the kickoff of week 2, the team may be seized by the league office.


13.     A random drawing will determine all draft orders.  The order will reverse following every round.  The draft order will be drawn right before the draft.  The draft order will be decided by the seating arrangement Draft Day.  A random drawing will be held until one person pulls the 12 or 1 bubble.  That person will be first or last to draft in round one.


14.     One minute will be given for each pick.  Thirty seconds will be given to make bid.  An owner who exceeds the 30 second limit will automatically pass on the player/defense in question.


15.     Each franchise will be given 100 auction dollars for each draft.  When it is your turn to draft, you "bring up" a player or defense for bidding.  It costs zero dollars to "bring up" a player or defense.  However, the person that "brings up" a player or defense may attach a bid to their selection right away.  The next person in the draft order (2 follows 1…) must bid at least one dollar more than the existing bid or pass on that player.  Once a person passes on a player they are out of the bidding for that player/kicker/defense.  Once all owners, but one, pass on a given player or defense, the owner that submitted the highest bid adds that player or defense to their franchise.  This process continues until all rounds have been completed.  No extra picks will be given.  If an owner "brings up" a player or defense and nobody bids on that player or defense then the owner gets that player or defense for the original bid (which could be zero). Once the draft is over waiver pick-ups or trades may fill rosters.  Waiver pick-ups need to be written down.  If two or more people request the same player initially, all parties will roll a die until one person has the lone top score (two-tie on top all tie an re-roll). 


16.     The first auction draft will consist of 26 rounds.  Auction drafts in non-expansion years will consist of 10 rounds.  Expansion drafts will consist of 14 rounds, plus 9 rounds for the expansion clubs.



17.     Final starting line-ups are due by the first kick-off Sunday morning.  If no line-up is submitted by this time, the previous line-up will be used.  If there is a Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday game then players in those games must be started or pulled from previous line-up by the first kick-off of each respective day.  If a player from a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday game is in the previous line-up and are not pulled by the first kick-off of the Thursday, Friday, or Saturday game they are in, then that player is automatically started for that week.


18.     Trades cost 50 cents each.  Waivers cost 3.00 each.


19.     Draft dollars may be traded from future drafts.


20.     A player must have been available for at least one draft before they can be claimed as a free agent.  A player must be on, or have been on, a NFL roster to be available.


21.     No trades or waivers may be made between kick-off of week 11 and the completion of the NFL regular season.  The waiver hiatus will continue until the completion of the next draft.  However, trades may resume following the completion of the NFL regular season. All off-season trades will be free of charge.





Offensive Scoring


·         01-09 yards = 6

·         10-39 yards = 9

·         40+ yards = 12

·         Out of position Td’s = 6 pt bonus

·         Special teams or defensive Td's scored by an offensive starter = 6 pts

·         All two point conversion = 2 pts



·         Every 10 yards rushing = 1 pt

·         Every 10 yards receiving = 1 pt

·         Every 30 yards passing = 1 pt



·         FG's less than 50 yards = 3 pts

·         FG's 50 yards or more = 5 pts


Defensive Scoring


·         All defensive Td’s = 6 pts

·         All kick return Td's = 6 pts.



·         Fumble recoveries, sacks, and interceptions = 1 pt

·         Safeties = 2 pts.


Points allowed

·         00-02 = 10 pts

·         03-06 = 7 pts

·         07-13 = 4 pts


**All scores will be final after 14 calendar days**



A roster may consist of a maximum of 4 qbs, 8 rbs, 8 wrs, 2 tes, 2 k's, 2 defenses.


Starting Line-up

A starting line-up may consist of a maximum of 1 qb, 3 rbs, 4 wrs, 1 te, 1 k, 1 d, and 1 bonus position.





*Any owner who starts a player on inured-reserve (out for season), a player not on a NFL team, or a player on a bye-week will pay five dollars to the pizza fund.  (Due at next draft)


*The team with the fewest total points must rename their team the designated loser's name, and use the logo decided upon by the owners.


*Five dollars will be charged for a change in name/logo.  (Money goes to pizza fund)


*For every zero earned in the Masters League starting line-ups that team will be charged .25 to the pizza fund. (Even if a team chooses not to start a player/def at a position)





Reward Summary


Awards assume a ten-team league. For an 8-team league, subtract $25 from the prize money of each place.


*1st place - The title of Fantasy Football Master, all transaction money, and $150 goes to the team with the most total points scored.  If the 1st place team also finishes in the top three records, than only three owners will be collecting cash.  Therefore, the extra $50 payment goes to first place. The Team with the most total points will be given the title of Fantasy Football "Master".


2nd place - The team with the best record gets $75.


3rd place - The team with the second best record gets $50.


4th place - The team with the third best record gets $25.