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My colorguard life
Saturday, 5 July 2003
colorguard life
Colorguard is really awesome but very time consuming! I would seriously suggest that anyone interested, make sure that you know what exactly ur getting urself into! The no. 1 thing to never let happen on the team: CONFRONTATION! ARRG! It totally sux! I was absolute best friends with this gurrl named Beth* (name changed for personal reasons)and then out of no-where she started talking crap...not to mention I had no clue what was going on (REALLY!)... There were 10 of us on the team and 7 out of 10 of us started, a long time ago, not liking her more and more! She was super bossy and wanted to run EVERYTHING although she wasn't a captain and I was! The other captain and I had everything under total control and everything was running smoothly...until she decided to butt-in! That's when everything got CrAzY!!! She got herself cursed out soo many times it wasn't even funny! wasn't! LOL. Then after we got things resolved she tried not talking to any of us, when those of us on the team didn't have anything to do with blessing her out, tried to talk to her. She just put her own self out there for devestation. When we got tired of her silent treatment and gave it right back to her, then she LITERALLY went crying to the PRINCIPAL!!! ....and of course she forgot to put her part of the story in her sob-fest (her part being what she contributed to the problem!)...we were sooo now, during our final year, (SENIORS!!!) we only have 3 members: me, britt, and a newbie named meagan. Everyone else said that if she were going to be on the team, then they wouldn't DARE try-out again! AND THAT'S REALLY SAD!! Not to mention that we are having to start from point "A" again, like with petty talk, not like best friend talk! And it's extremely weird! But of course I decided to go and be the bigger person (definately not litteraly) and try to forget what happened and start over all fresh and new. So, this was just an ex. of what can happen when confrontation confronts ur colorguard team!...STAY TIGHT!!! and don't let STUPID things get in the way of what ur really supposed to be doin'! buh bye 4 now!

Posted by pro/flgstr78504 at 10:39 PM EDT
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